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An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology

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An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology

By: JOHN CLARK (University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury), COLIN YALLOP (Macquarie University) and JANET FLETCHER (University of Melbourne)

Książka idealnie nowa. Opis poniżej.


  • Exceptionally thorough, including detailed attention to articulatory and acoustic phonetics as well as to the foundations of phonological analysis

  • Features a number of valuable changes, incorporating new material on the latest findings in speech production studies; greater coverage of prosody, including a major section on autosegmental metrical models; expanded coverage of phonology, including Optimality Theory; and sections on L1 and L2 acquisition, and sociolectal variation

  • Integrates new findings, theories references throughout, offering students the most thorough and complete knowledge of the subject to date

  • Includes 125 figures throughout.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction.

2. Segmental Articulation.

3. Units of Speech.

4. The Phonemic Organization of Speech.

5. The Generative Approach to Phonology.

6. The Anatomy and Physiology of Speech Production.

7. The Acoustics of Speech Production.

8. Speech Perception.

9. Prosody.

10. Feature Systems.

11. The Progress of Phonology.

Appendix 1: Phonetic Symbols.

Appendix 2: Features.