GREENCOMP Sp. z o.o. ul. Krakowska 19A 32-065 Krzeszowice
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GREENCOMP Sp z o.o. ul. Krakowska 19a 32-065 Krzeszowice
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- UWAGA! Przesyłki kurierskie nadajemy w każdy dzień roboczy. Przesyłki pocztowe DWA RAZY W TYGODNIU!

Zestaw tuszy do Brother LC985 Czarny + Magenta + Cyan + Żółty

Chip |
LC 985BK, LC 985C, LC 985M, LC 985Y
Czarny, Cyan (niebieski), Magenta (czerwony), Yellow (żółty)
Pasuje do drukarek
Brother MFC 6490CW, Brother MFC 5890CN, Brother MFC 5490CN, Brother MFC 990CW, Brother MFC 790CW, Brother MFC 490CW, Brother MFC 290c, Brother MFC 250C, Brother DCP J715W, Brother DCP 6690CW, Brother DCP 585CW, Brother DCP 385C, Brother DCP 165C, Brother DCP-145C, Brother MFC J415w, Brother MFC J410, Brother MFC J265w, Brother MFC J220, Brother DCP J515w, Brother DCP J315w, Brother DCP J125 |
100% nowy
28 ml, 19 ml

Zestaw zawiera:
Tusz TB Print TBB-LC985B Black 100% nowy Tusz TB Print TBB-LC985CY Cyan 100% nowy Tusz TB Print TBB-LC985MA Magenta 100% nowy Tusz TB Print TBB-LC985YE Yellow 100% nowy
Wydajność: 30 ml, 20 ml Kompatybilność: Brother MFC 6490CW, Brother MFC 5890CN, Brother MFC 5490CN, Brother MFC 990CW, Brother MFC 790CW, Brother MFC 490CW, Brother MFC 290c, Brother MFC 250C, Brother DCP J715W, Brother DCP 6690CW, Brother DCP 585CW, Brother DCP 385C, Brother DCP 165C, Brother DCP-145C, Brother MFC J415w, Brother MFC J410, Brother MFC J265w, Brother MFC J220, Brother DCP J515w, Brother DCP J315w, Brother DCP J125

