Witam do sprzedania mam Zestaw ponad 100 kart 8R/25U/70Cw kolorach G/W Pozostałości z talii Aura. A do tego dokładam 56 kart z najnowszych edycji (M12, NPH, ISD, MBS)
Razem Zestaw zawiera 160 kart 8R/58U/94C
A o to pełen spis kart:
Rare 8szt:
Kor Spiritdancer x3, Wall of Reverence x2, Oversoul of Dusk, Sigil of the Empty Throne,
Nomad Mythmaker.
Komlety x4szt:
Steward of Valeron, Valeron Outlander, Rhox Meditant
Aura Gnarlid, Snake Umbra, Asha's Favor, Sigil of the Nayan Gods.
Moment of Heroism, Bonds of Faith, Armadillo Cloak, Oakenform, Civic Wayfinder, Wildfield Borderpost, Snakeform, Bant Sureblade, Wispmare, Grizzled Leotau, Armillary Sphere,
Behemoth Sledge, Sejiri Steppe, Loam Lion, Messenger Falcons, Llanowar Elves, Spirit Loop,
Sakura-Tribe Elder, Wild Nacatl, Terramorphic Expanse, Evoling Wilds, Grasslands, Kabira
Watchwolf, Marisi's Twinclaws Foil Promo, Safewright Quest, Safehold Elite, Sigil Blessing,
Safe, Safehold Duo, Lignify, Shield of the Oversoul, Spirit Link, Armored Ascesion,
Crystalization, Battle Mastery, Lush Growth, Selesnya Signet, Pale Recluse, Qasali Ambusher,
Angelic Benediction, Daily Regimen, Pacifism, Lifelink, Barkshell Blessing, Knight of the Skyward, Qasali Pridemage, Elvish Hexhunter, Topan Ascetic, Briarhorn, Rhox Charger,
Bramblesnap, Mistmeadow Skulk, Celestial Purge, Crossroads, Graypelt Refuge, Utopia Spawn.
Dodatkowe karty 57szt:
33szt Unc:
Flashfreeze x4, Master Thief x8, Neurok Commando x9, Corrupted Conscience x8,
Mind Control x4.
24szt Com:
Nightbird's Clutches x8, Viridian Betrayers x4, Vivisection x4, Serum Raker x4, Oculus x4.
Możliwość zakończenia aukcji przed czasem. Kontakt 505[zasłonięte]041.
Możliwość odbioru kart na terenie Chorzowa lub Katowic.