tel.:660 [zasłonięte] 110

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Marka ZENEC stworzona została dla prawdziwych miłośników multimediów. Z wielkim sukcesem skupia się wyłącznie na rozwoju multimedialnych systemów z komplementarnymi urządzeniami i akcesoriami. Niewiele marek produkujących multimedia dedykowane do aut, rozpoczęło swoja działalność z tak wielkim sukcesem jak to miało miejsce w przypadku ZENECA, który bardzo szybko stał się liderem na niemieckim rynku w sektorze samochodowych multimediów. Stało się to dzięki temu, iż multimedia tworzone przez ZENEC zawsze podążają za najnowszą technologią i wyznaczają kierunki, w których rozwijają się inne multimedialne brandy samochodowe. Inną ważną maksymą, której trzyma się ZENEC jest wyższość jakości wykonania nad ilością.
ZE-NC5010BG |
black gloss |
Corsa D, Astra H, Zafira B |
from 2007 - 2009 |
ZE-NC5010FC |
flat charcoal |
Corsa D, Astra H, Zafira B |
from 2007 - 2009 |
ZE-NC5010MS |
metallic silver |
Corsa D, Astra H, Zafira B |
from 2007 - 2009 |
PON. - PT. OD 10:00 DO 18:00 SOB. OD 10:00 DO 14:00

E>GO naviceiver - 100 % custom-fit

Navigation, entertainment, communication – the ZE-NC5010 naviceiver is a complex navigation and multimedia system with a large range of features. ZENEC‘s new top-of-the-line model fits together visually with the Opel Astra, Corsa and Zafira.
The amber button illumination and the customized design of the front panel makes the E>GO not only perfect for the respective look of the car interior, but the E>GO is also effortlessly integrated into the existing automotive electronics. ZE-NC5010 can be installed into the original dash board without further modifications and without any additional adapters: simply take out the factory radio, put in the E>GO and drive off.
Even the connections of the factory-made steering wheel remote control, driver information display and the bord computer are no problem: simply connect the E>GO to the CAN-Bus of the respective vehicle – the functionality of the factory installed components is preserved.
ZENEC E>GO – ingeniously easy, visually perfect.

The general features

Navigation, entertainment, communication – going by the motto “Everything must be”, the ZE-NC5010 will convince you through an abundance of equipment features. The built-in CD/DVD drive plays all of the current A/V formats; the new RDS tuner guarantees top-quality radio reception. The high-performance 4 x 50 watts digital amplifier together with the integrated Dolby digital decoder provide for impressive sound quality.
The 16.5 cm/6.5" touchscreen display is top quality: A non reflecting TFT LCD panel with LED backlight delivers sharp, brilliant and high-contrast pictures - under bright daylight conditions.
ZENEC uses the finest technology even with the built-in Bluetooth system. The ZE-NC5010 is equipped with the CK5050+ Parrot BT module that makes comfortable hands-free and audio streaming (A2DP, AVRCP) possible; the Bluetooth module features updateable firmware.
The SD/SDHC card reader is easily accessible in the front of the device and makes it possible to play music, movies or display photos directly on the E>GO. The card slot is free for multimedia use with SDHC cards up to 8 GB.
Playing music, videos, audio books, or podcasts from the iPod or iPhone with the E>GO – no problem. Using the USB input of the provided Media-Link-Box, both Apple devices are simply connected and operated using the naviceiver’s touchscreen, including controlling the video function.
Other signal sources and additional components such as DVB-T tuners, rear view cameras, or head rest monitors can be connected any time. Naturally all of the functions can be operated on the high definition monitor via touchscreen, starting with the operation of the DVD player, going on to the iPod and the integrated navigation, and all the way to the additional components.
The perfect integration

For many multimedia navigation systems, the connection to the car’s pre-existing comfort functions is a big problem – but not for the E>GO. Factory installed steering wheel remote controls maintain their full range of functions with the ZE-NC5010. The E>GO is simply connected to the steering wheel remote control by interface via the vehicle-specific CAN-Bus. Every A/V source including the hands-free function can then be controlled as usual using the steering wheel remote control.
Opel vehicles are equipped with a board computer and a car specific driver information display, depending on the model (TID, BID, GID or CID) – these, too, are connected to the ZE-NC5010 by the CAN-Bus. The text output functions such as station and track info from the sources radio/CD/USB, etc. are supported by the corresponding driver information display. Once the E>GO has been installed into the vehicle, the board computer can be adjusted directly on the naviceiver’s touchscreen.
The main GUI

Simple and totally straightforward operation has been one of the most critical points taken into account when this naviceiver was developed. A Dual-Main-GUI (graphical user interface) with two main pages and large display icons make sure that the E>GO can be unerringly operated during the ride.
- Page 1
- Page 2
- Multi zone menu
The Bluetooth interface

Make phone calls and play music from your mobile phone: ZENEC‘s naviceiver will establish interconnection with most convenient operation of a Bluetooth compatible mobile phone from a ZE-NC5010 control possible. You do not need any installation kits, fixtures, cables, or even additional speakers in the vehicle‘s interior.
Audio streaming

In addition to the hands-free application, audio files from a mobile phone can be read-out (audio streaming via A2DP with AVRCP-profile) and played back in superb quality through the car‘s speakers and operated by touchscreen.
Convenient hands-free talking

The new Parrot Bluetooth module marks an improvement in mobile communication: advanced signal processing technology, the so called Parrot Beamforming, is provided through a multi-directional, freely positionable microphone which is easily attached to the A-column. With this technology, all surrounding noises and echo effects are eliminated so that the voice is clearer. In cases where an externally mounted microphone is no option, an internal microphone is provided as well.

Hands-Free during the drive – the caller number, phone book entries and other information is clearly shown on the ZE-NC5010 display. The address book of the naviceiver is automatically synchronized with the mobile phone. The Parrot module enables an alphanumeric sorting of phone book entries with an additional search function – a feature that guarantees ease in finding phone book entries, especially for professional use.
Additional Bluetooth features

- redialing
- switch between hands-free and mobile phone to continue a call via mobile if necessary
- memory for dialed and received calls
- connection of up to 5 mobile phones, management and hosting of up to 1000 phone book entries
- search function using initials
Always up-to-date

The Bluetooth component firmware from ZE-NC5010 can be conveniently updated using a USB stick, for example if you would like to use a new mobile phone model or business phone in the car. The palette of compatible mobile telephones can be expanded at any time – with the ZE-NC5010 you are always up-to-date.
The GPS navigation

Navigate unerringly via touchscreen in all of western and eastern Europe – with its integrated navigation system, the naviceiver ZE-NC5010 reliably shows you the way in more than 43 countries.
Searching the destination

Enter the desired destination thereby choosing between the various destination and route entries – through address, ZIP/postal code, POI, saved/last found destinations. etc. – and you are ready to go. Your electronic copilot guides you to your destination without detours and shows you, if you so wish, relevant points such as gas stations, hotels, restaurants, parking lots, etc.
Map display

Unmistakable navigation is ensured through a clear graphic map display, where various scales and view modes are available in 2-D and 3-D, as well as precise voice guidance (in 28 languages) and an easily understandable GUI display (also in 28 languages).
The automatic zoom at intersections or traffic circles makes sure that there is no confusion even at difficult locations. Tunnel mode and lane assistant plus the 3-D landscape or 3-D city map views (with buildings, places of interest, and city maps) simplify the navigation just as well as the highway split screen mode with real signpost rendering (the display of signs in real-time on the map).
Splitscreen mode

A special feature deployed is the so called split screen mode. Whatever source you are listening to, like radio or music from other audio sources: with the touch of one finger you can activate the split screen mode to see turn arrows and distance information in the right pane of the main screen, to never miss an exit or a crossing.
TMC and TMC Pro

The ZE-NC5010 comes with a TMC and TMC Pro (optional and only in Germany available) receiver. The TMC function keeps you up to date regarding potential traffic jams on the chosen route to destination, while automatic re-calculation of a suitable detour is a function covered as well. Just select the respective TMC function in the control menu and all relevant traffic control message information will be shown on your map screen directly.

- stacja multimedialna DVD do Opel: Corsa D, Astra H, Zafira B
- obsługa sterowania z kierownicy
- mapy 43 państw
- tuner z RDS
- 7“/16:9 monitor LCD, 1200 x 234 pikseli, ekran dotykowy
- odtwarzanie: CD-DA, CD-R/RW, MP3, WMA, VCD, SVCD, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW, DVD-MP3, JPEG, Picture-CD, MPEG4, DivX6
- dekoder Dolby Digital
- czytnik kart SD/USB
- podłączenie iPod
- Bluetooth
- dwie strefy, 5x 50 W
- analogowe wyjście 5.1, 2-kanałowe wyjście bez kontroli głośności, 2 wyjścia wideo, 1 wejście A/V, 1 wejscie kamery cofania, wejście audio na panelu przednim
- zabezpieczenie kodem
- obsługa tunera DVB-T
- cztery wersje kolorystyczne panelu przedniego:
- BG black gloss
- CR matte chrome
- FC flat charcoal
- MS metallic silver

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660 [zasłonięte] 110