Die Zeichen stehen auf Krieg – und obwohl Auraya in ihrer neuen Rolle als Beschützerin der Siyee alles daran setzt, nicht in diesen Konflikt mit hineingezogen zu werden, kann sie ihm doch nicht entrinnen. Mehr noch – sie scheint sich gegen die Götter stellen zu müssen, denen sie einst gedient hat. Doch nur so hat sie eine Chance, all jene zu retten, die ihr etwas bedeuten ...
• Hochspannendes Lesefutter für alle, die ungeduldig auf neue Abenteuer mit einer starken weiblichen Heldin gewartet haben.
• Ein neues wunderbares „All-Age“-Fantasy-Epos – voller Magie, Abenteuer und Leidenschaft!
In her new role as protector of the Siyee, Auraya investigates sightings of a landwalker stranger in their land. She meets a mysterious woman claiming to be a friend of Mirar’s: a woman who makes an offer Auraya is unable to refuse, but which she must conceal or risk the wrath of the gods. In the south, Mirar enjoys acceptance and respect as he reclaims his place among his people, but that freedom will come at a cost. Meanwhile, Emerahl is at last able to join the Thinkers in their search for the Scroll of the Gods, but the truth may not be revealed in the form she expects. And the Pentadrians, frustrated by their defeat at the hands of the Circlians, plot and scheme to bring down their enemies by means other than direct conflict. As the promise of peace dies, and two peoples are once more drawn inexorably into war, Auraya is unable to avoid being caught up the conflict. The key to everything, though, may lie with the Wilds, who embark upon a quest for secrets buried long ago. Secrets that could change the world.
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