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YULDUZ USMANOVA - Jannona - diva tureckiej sceny

16-07-2014, 3:44
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania nie była zakończona.
Aktualna cena: 18 zł     
numer aukcji: 4406884719
Miejscowość Ząbki
Wyświetleń: 3   
Koniec: 16-07-2014 03:53:23

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Waga (z opakowaniem): 100.00 [kg]
Liczba płyt w wydaniu: jedna
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[ World Music - Bliski Wschód - Uzbekistan - Turcja - Azja Środkowa - Centralna - folk turecki - uzbecki ]

Yulduz Usmanova  -  "Jannona"  (diva tureckiej sceny muzycznej)

bdb stan  / bardzo rzadkie wydawnictwo

Rok: 1995

Nr katalogowy: Blue Flame[zasłonięte]398 402

Opis: Made in Germany


Lista utworów:


I Wish You Were Here
Jorni Tark Etmang
Khudo Bilar


Yulduz Usmonova (Russified form: Yulduz Usmanova) (Uzbek: Yulduz Usmonova, Юлдуз Усмонова) (born December 12, 1963) is a well-known Uzbek singer and actress. She has achieved widespread fame in Uzbekistan, other parts of Central Asia, and more recently in Turkey. Usmonova has also acted in a number of Uzbek films.


Yulduz Usmanova is from Uzbekistan, along the fabled Silk Road trade route in Central Asia. Her singing is a fusion of intricately coded styles, which includes borrowings from Turkish and Persian rhythms and scales. She is accompanied by the tanbur (a long-necked lute) and the doira (a hand drum) but often wields a wicked backbeat and sees no reason why she should not use the latest electronic percussion and synthesizers. She is a folk singer and a club diva, a Moslem woman who wears miniskirts and was elected to her country's parliament, and an international figure who resides in a rural area outside of Tashkent. Her elders admire her espousal of endangered folkways while young girls, emerging from the dual oppressions of Soviet life and religious fundamentalism, cherish her as a role model. Yulduz is a bundle of contradictions but knows exactly who she is. --Christina Roden