Witam, mam do sprzedania wspaniałą Yanagisawe A880 w świetnym stanie co z resztą widać na zdjęciach. Jest to najwyższy model z lat osiemdziesiątych. Instrument ma nowe poduszki, dokładam też gratis dodatkową fajke Yanagisawy numer 65 (690zł).
Recenzja fajki Yanagisawy nr.65 z sax.co.uk: I found the tone on this crook a lot fuller and more open than the 64. It seemed similar to the standard 991 crook, but with a tad more breadth to the tone for my money. It also produced a very expansive sub-tone. Very nice stuff! Instrument świetnie kryje i stroi jak to Yanagisawa. Ustnik który jest na zdjęciu nie jest w komplecie. Odbiór tylko osobisty. Tel.792[zasłonięte]662
Opinie z forum saxontheweb:
"It's a great playing alto. Before my A880 I had a purple label YAS62. The Yana had a thicker warmer sound and better response for me. Recently had the chance to compare it with a band mate's Selmer Mark 7, which supposedly was chosen new over 14 other examples, but came away thinking that the A880 had an easier response and just as good if not better tone-wise. For what it is worth I also have a S880 which is a top class soprano, but probably has little bearing on chosing an alto, other than brand familiariy."
"Very good alto's these, tone is on 'the darker side' but with a good medium chamber Meyer or even a metal Lawton B chamber they will take on any horn out there solo, section, rock, funk whatever."
"I just replaced my purple logo YAS62 with a Yana A880 made in 1991. Better tone, better intonation, better ergos. I know some people rave about the 62, but for me it always sounded thin and screechy. Not so with the Yana, it's Fat City all the way baby."
""the A880 was sax perfection in my book"
"i own mk6-super20 -h couf-6m etc but i always use my a800 on gigs"
"I loved my A880 and sometimes wish i never let it go...."
"I have a T880 and T990. The 990 is brighter and more powerful with a slight difference in key placement on the left hand. The T880 sounds great too w/ perfect keywork, spot on intonation, a nice selmerish sound. Being obtainable at very reasonable price-these horns are all around winners......but then again every Yani I've played has been."
"the 880 was perfection as was the mk6 .why bother to improve the best"
"And thanks, DirkW, for selling me the A880. The great comments about 880s on this forum encouraged me to get one. It just came back from a repad. This alto is almost impossible to put down. The sound is just what I wanted, sweet but never thin. The ergos are good (but I'm still adjusting to the location of the palm keys and low Bb). It's a sax that encourages expression. As with every good Yani I've tried, it gets out of the way and lets you play. Now I have a Yani quartet--S990, A880, T901 and Vito VSP bari. They're all fine saxes, but the A880 is challenging the T901 as the best sax (for me) that I have ever played. I like it far more than the Selmer Mk VII I played for two hours in a big band rehearsal...and the cost was much less. Of course, my tech is still complaining about the lack of stack adjustment screws. It's a good thing more people don't realize how good these horns are. If they did we couldn't afford them. My 1936 10M and Keilwerth stencil alto are taking up long term residence in their cases."
Koniecznie posłuchaj na Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9F0svvXCfU