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09-06-2012, 20:12
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Aktualna cena: 1 500 zł     
Użytkownik Smakosz213
numer aukcji: 2339598382
Miejscowość Stargard Szczeciński
Wyświetleń: 144   
Koniec: 25-05-2012 12:21:15

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
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Cyfrowy mikser YAMAHY (procesor efektów na pokładzie), sterownik DAW, karta dźwiekowa w jednym.

Więcej na stronach www. 01xRay.com stan jak nowy(studio niepalące). W zestawie : zasilacz kable, sterowniki, instrukcja obsługi, dodatkowo karta adaptec AFW-4300B.

Digital Mixer Section Inputs Max 24 input Mic/Line Input 8 channel Ch 1-2 (XLR) (48V Phantom) Ch 3-8 (1/4 inch TRS balanced) Hi-z (Gt) Input Shared with CH8 Digital Input SPDIF with SRC (44.1/48/88.2/96K). Can be routed to channel or cascade to main mix output. mLAN Input 16 channel via mLAN (PC/Mac returns or Input from other mLAN equipment) Internal Effect Return 4 channnel (stereo x2) Monitor Inputs Stereo via mLAN Bus Outputs Stereo Bus 2 channel to Monitor Out Effect Bus 2 channel Effect Send1,2 (1 at 96K) Aux Bus 2 channel Aux Send1,2 Direct Out 24 channel to mLAN Output Direct (Pre/Post EQ/Fader) Other Outputs Digital Output 2 channel SPDIF (coaxial stereo) with dithering mLAN Output Maximum 24 direct channels via mLAN (PC recording or Output to other mLAN equipment) Effects Section Multi Effect 2 (32-bit effects w/58 bit accumulators) Effect Type DSP 6/7 Processors Equivalent to O1V/96, DM1000 Channel Function Input 24 channels Attenator Phase Dynamics 4-band EQ Effect Send 1,2 Aux Send 1,2 Monitor Out section 4-band EQ Dymnamics Remote Controller Section SQ01 Version2 Cubase VST (SX), Nuendo 2.0Logic Platinum Sonar 2.2 and Higher Digital Performer : Steinberg : Emagic (Apple) : Cakewalk : Mark of the Unicorn Generic Mackie Control and Logic Control modes also supported Memory Scene Memory 99 locations (Total recall of all parameters) LCD Display LCD 55×2 Character (back=blue, dot=yellow) (with LED Back Light) Switch & LED (top panel) CH Select x8 + 1 Green (SEL 1 - 8, Master) CH Status x8 + 1 Red&Green (CH 1 - 8 ) Ch Status Control x4 Red (Solo, Mute, Rec Track, Automation Read/Write) Bank x2, none (Bank, Bank ) Flip x1, Red, (Flip) Remote Mode x2 Red,Green (Remote, Internal Mixer) Mode x2 Green (Scene,UTILITY) x1 Green (Monitor) Display x4 none (Value/Name, Page Up, Page Down, Page Shift) Control Mode x1 Orange (Selected Channel) Control Group x9 Orange (EQ-Low, EQ-LowMid, EQ-HiMid, EQ-High Pan, dynamics/InsEffect, Send/Instrument, Group, Effect) Mixer/Layer Select x5 Red (Audio, MIDI, Instrument, Aux/Bus, Other) Function x8 none (F1 - 8) SHIFT x1 none (SHIFT) Cursor x4 none () Undo/Redo x1 Green (Undo/Redo) File Save x1 Red (Save/Revert) Others x3 Red (Zoom, Nurge, Loop) Transport x1 Green (Play) x1 Red (Record) x3 none (Stop/Top, FF, REW) Scrub x1 Red (Scrub) Maker x2 none (Maker, Write) Other Controller (Top Panel) Knob x8 Data Encorder (w/ Push Switch) Motor Fader x8 + 1 60mm Fader (9-Bit resolution) Encoder x1 FF, REW, Scrub Encorder Input Gain x8 Knob Volume Main Volume x1 Knob Volume Connectors (Rear) Input 1,2 XLR x2 Balanced -46~+4dB 24bit ~96kHz Phantom (+48V) Switch Push Switch Input 3-8 Phone x6 Balanced -46~+4dB 24bit ~96kHz Hi-z (Gt) Input Phone Balanced -30~-15dB 24bit ~96kHz Digital Input Coaxial SRC 24bit ~96kHz Monitor Out Phone x2 Unbalanced -10dBV 24bit ~96kHz Phones Stereo phone Unbalanced 100+100mW 24bit ~96kHz Stereo/Aux Out Phone x2 Unbalanced -10dBV 24bit ~96kHz Digital Out Coaxial 24bit ~96kHz MIDI In/Out x2 5 pin din x2 IN , x2 out Foot Switch 1/4 inch jack x2 (Yamaha FC4) mLAN Firewire IEEE1394 (6pin) x2 (Status condition LED) AC adaptor Yamaha PA-300 Size/Weight Dimensions 453(W) x 391(D) x 116(H) mm (including channel knobs’ height) Weight 6.2 kg

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