Interfejs XZL024 zgodny z oprogramowaniem USBee AX oscyloskop i analizator stanów logicznych

Oferowany interfejs USB XZL024 zbudowany jest w oparciu o mikrokontroler CY7C68013a produkcji Cypress. Możliwa jest współpraca urządzenia z oprogramowaniem USBee AX. Urządzenie podłączane jest z komputerem za pomocą interfejsu USB 2.0 i wykorzystuje jego maksymalną prędkość transmisji, dzięki temu mamy możliwość wykorzystania zasobów komputera w celu przechwycenia i kontroli cyfrowych i analogowych informacji, transmisji.
Funkcje interfejsu:
Oscyloskop cyfrowy z analizatorem stanów logicznych Mixed Signal Oscilloscope (MSO) Logic Analyzer and Oscilloscope
Oscyloskop cyfrowy
Analizator stanów logicznych
Dekoder popularnych protokołów
Generator cyfrowych sygnałów
PWM Controller
Remote Controller
Data Logger
Digital Voltmeter
Frequency Counter
Pulse Counter
Wybrane parametry:
Liczba analogowych kanałów: 2
Liczba cyfrowych kanałów: 16
Maksymalna częstotliwość próbkowania przy wykorzystaniu wszystkich kanałów: 8MSa
Maksymalna częstotliwość próbkowania przy wykorzystaniu 1 kanału: 16MSa
Długość rekordu: 200 + milion próbek – używa pamięci RAM / dysk twardy
Maksymalne napięcia wejściowe dla analogowych wejść: +/- 10V
Rozdzielczość przetwornika ADC: 8bit
Zakres napięć wejściowych dla wejść cyfrowych: 0-5V
Dekodery protokołów: In-Line Bus Decoders, USB Decoder, I2C, SPI, Async Decoder, CAN, I2S, 1-wire, SM Bus, PS/2, Serial Decoder, Parallel Decoder, Custom Decoder API, Bus Data Extractors
zasilanie interfejsu z portu USB

Analog Inputs |
2 |
Analog Channels |
1 |
Maximum Analog Sample Rate [1] |
16 Msps |
Analog Bandwidth |
3 MHz |
Input Impedance |
1M Ohm/30 pF |
Input Voltage Range |
-10V to +10V |
Analog Sensitivity |
78mV |
Analog Resolution |
256 steps |
Channel Buffer Depth [2] |
>1 Million |
Volts per Division Settings |
100mV to 5V in 6 steps |
Time per Division Settings |
100ns to 2s in 23 steps |
Trigger Modes |
Auto, Normal, Single |
Trigger Voltage |
Between -10V and +10V |
Cursors |
2 Time and 2 Voltage |
Voltage Display Offset |
Up to maximum inputs |
Time Display Offset |
Up to available buffer depth |
Trigger Position Setting |
10% to 90% |
Measurements |
Min, Max, Top Bottom, Freq, Period |
Reference Waveform |
Save and compare |
Analizator stanów logicznych:
Digital Channels |
8 |
Maximum Digital Sample Rate [1] |
24 Msps |
Internal Clocking |
Yes |
External Clocking |
Yes |
Trigger Levels |
4 |
Trigger Qualifiers |
Rising Edge, Falling Edge, High,Low |
Number of Samples [2] |
1 million samples up to PC RAM |
Sample Rates [1] |
1Msps to 24 Msps |
Trigger Prestore |
Yes |
Trigger Poststore |
Yes |
Sample Clock Output |
Yes |
Maximum Input Voltage |
+5.5V |
Input Low Level |
< 0.8V |
Input High Level |
> 1.4V |
Cursors |
Trigger position, X and O |
Measurements |
Hex value, Period, Frequency |

Mixed Signal Oscope/Logic Analyzer |

Analog Inputs |
2 |
Analog Channels |
1 |
Maximum Analog Sample Rate [1] |
16 Msps |
Analog Bandwidth |
3 MHz |
Input Impedance |
1M Ohm/30 pF |
Analog Input Voltage Range |
-10V to +10V |
Analog Sensitivity |
78mV |
Analog Resolution |
256 steps |
Channel Buffer Depth [2] |
>1 Million |
Volts per Division Settings |
100mV to 5V in 6 steps |
Time per Division Settings |
100ns to 2s in 23 steps |
Trigger Modes |
Auto, Single, Digital Triggers |
Analog Trigger Voltage |
Between -10V and +10V |
Cursors |
2 Time and 2 Voltage |
Voltage Display Offset |
Up to maximum inputs |
Time Display Offset |
Up to available buffer depth |
Trigger Position Setting |
10% to 90% |
Measurements |
Min, Max, Top Bottom, Freq, Period |
Digital Channels |
8 |
Maximum Digital Sample Rate [1] |
16 Msps |
Internal Clocking |
Yes |
External Clocking |
No |
Digital Trigger Levels |
4 |
Digital Trigger Qualifiers |
Rising Edge, Falling Edge, High,Low |
Trigger Prestore |
Yes |
Trigger Poststore |
Yes |
Sample Clock Output |
Yes |
Maximum Digital Input Voltage |
+5.5V |
Digital Input Low Level |
< 0.8V |
Digital Input High Level |
> 1.4V |
[1] Maximum sample rate depends on your PC hardware CPU speed and USB 2.0 bus utilization. For the fastest possible sample rates, follow these simple steps: Disconnect all other USB devices not needed from the PC Do not run other applications while capturing or generating samples.
[2] Maximum buffer size depends on your PC available RAM at the time the application is started.
I2C Decoder Specifications |
I2C Clock Speed |
up to 12MHz |
I2C Data Decoded |
Start,Stop,Ack,Nak,Data |
Decoder Output Format |
Text File |
Decoder Location |
Logic Analyzer and Mixed Signal Scope |
Digital Voltmeter |
Analog Channels Displayed |
2 |
Analog Input Voltage Range |
-10V to +10V |
Minimum Measurable Resolution |
78mV |
Analog Resolution |
256 steps |
Update Rate |
3 samples per second |
Logging Function |
Store data to text file |
I2C Decoder Specifications |
I2C Clock Speed |
up to 12MHz |
I2C Data Decoded |
Start,Stop,Ack,Nak,Data |
Decoder Output Format |
Text File |
Decoder Location |
Logic Analyzer and Mixed Signal Scope |
Digital Signal Generator |
Digital Output Channels |
8 |
Maximum Digital Sample Rate [1] |
24 Msps |
Internal Clocking |
Yes |
External Clocking |
No |
Number of Samples [2] |
1 million samples up to PC RAM |
Sample Rates [1] |
1Msps to 24 Msps |
Sample Clock Output |
Yes |
Channel Output Drive Current |
4mA |
Output Low Level |
< 0.8V |
Output High Level |
> 2.4V |
Looping |
Yes |
External Trigger Signal |
Yes |
SPI Decoder Specifications |
SPI Clock Speed |
up to 12MHz |
Async Baud Rate |
up to 12Mbaud in 1baud steps |
Decoder Output Format |
Text File |
Decoder Location |
Logic Analyzer and Mixed Signal Scope |

Data Logger Specifications
Digital Channels Logged |
8 |
Analog Channels Logged |
2 |
Sample Rates |
250ms to 300sec |
Frequency Counter |
Digital Channels Measured |
8 |
Analog Channels Measured |
0 |
Maximum Measured Frequency [1] |
12MHz |
Maximum Digital Input Voltage |
+5.5V |
Resolution |
1Hz |
Gate Time |
1 sec |
Remote Controller |
Remote Controller Specifications
Digital Channels Controlled
Analog Channels Controlled
Control Mechanism
Toggle Button per channel
Channel Output Drive Current
Output Low Level
< 0.8V
Output High Level
> 2.4V
PWM Controller |
Digital Channels Controlled
Analog Channels Controlled
256 steps
PWM Frequency
Control Mechanism
Slider Switch
Channel Output Drive Current
Output Low Level
< 0.8V
Output High Level
> 2.4V
Frequency Generator |
Digital Channels Controlled
Analog Channels Controlled
Sets of Frequencies
Set 1
1MHz, 500kHz, 250kHz, 62.5kHz,31.25kHz, 15.625kHz, 7.8125kHz
Set 2
32kHz, 16kHz, 8kHz, 4kHz, 2kHz, 1kHz, 500Hz, 250Hz
Set 3
750kHz, 375kHz, 187.5kHz, 93.75kHz, 46.875kHz, 23.4375kHz, 11.1875kHz, 5.5893kHz
Set 4
19.2kHz, 9600Hz, 4800Hz, 2400Hz, 1200Hz, 600Hz, 300Hz, 150Hz
Set 5
64Hz, 32Hz, 16Hz, 8Hz, 4Hz, 2Hz, 1Hz, 0.5Hz
Set 6
1920Hz, 960Hz, 480Hz, 240Hz, 120Hz, 60Hz, 30Hz, 15Hz
Channel Output Drive Current
Output Low Level
< 0.8V
Output High Level
> 2.4V
I2C Controller |
I2C Clock Speed
2.2 KHz average
I2C Control Method
Text Script
I2C Script Tokens
Start, Stop, Ack, Nak, Read, Write, Data
Script Edit Functions
Cut, Copy, Paste, Save, Open, New
I2C Output Format
Text File (includes read data and Ack state)
Channel Output Drive Current
Output Low Level
< 0.8V
Output High Level
Open Collector (requires external pull-up resistor)
Pulse Counter |
Digital Channels Measured
Analog Channels Measured
Minimum Pulse Width [1]
Pulse Count Control
Clear, Start and Stop
Display Mode
Pulse or Edge Count
External Gate Signals
up to 7
Gate Conditions
High or Low
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