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Tytuł oryginalny: X-Men: First Class - Triple Play
Tytuł polski: X-Men: Pierwsza klasa
Rok produkcji: 2011
Kraj: United States
Reżyseria: Matthew Vaughn, Wendy Craig
Obsada: James McAvoy, Laurence Belcher, Michael Fassbender, Bill Milner, Kevin Bacon, Rose Byrne, Jennifer Lawrence, Beth Goddard, Morgan Lily, Oliver Platt

Widowiskowy film akcji, ukazujący początki epickiej sagi X-Men. Zanim Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) i Erik Lensherr (Michael Fassbender) przybrali imiona Profesor X i Magneto, byli młodymi ludźmi, którzy odkryli w sobie niezwykłe moce. Nim zostali zaciętymi wrogami, byli bliskimi przyjaciółmi, którzy połączyli swe siły z innymi Mutantami, aby zapobiec największemu zagrożeniu, przed którym stanął świat. Wkrótce jednak rozdzielił ich konflikt, który doprowadził do wybuchu wiecznej wojny między Bractwem skupionym wokół Magneto a grupą X-Men, której przewodził Profesor X.

When Bryan Singer brought Marvels X-Men to the big screen, Magneto and Professor X were elder statesmen, but Matthew Vaughn ( Kick-Ass ) travels back in time to present an origin story--and an alternate version of history. While Charles Xavier (Laurence Belcher) grows up privileged in New York, Erik Lehnsherr (Bill Milner) grows up underprivileged in Poland. As children, the mind-reading Charles finds a friend in the shape-shifting Raven (Jennifer Lawrence) and Erik finds an enemy in Sebastian Shaw (Kevin Bacon), an energy-absorbing Nazi scientist who treats the metal-bending lad like a lab rat. By 1962, Charles (James McAvoy) has become a swaggering genetics professor and Erik (Michael Fassbender, McAvoys Band of Brothers costar) has become a brooding agent of revenge. CIA agent Moira (Rose Byrne) brings the two together to work for Division X. With the help of MIB (Oliver Platt) and Hank ( A Single Mans Nicholas Hoult), they seek out other mutants, while fending off Shaw and Emma Frost ( Mad Mens January Jones), who try to recruit them for more nefarious ends, leading to a showdown in Cuba between the United States and the Soviet Union, the good and bad mutants, and Charles and Erik, whose goals have begun to diverge. Throughout, Vaughn crisscrosses the globe, piles on the visual effects, and juices the action with a rousing score, but its the actors who make the biggest impression as McAvoy and Fassbender prove themselves worthy successors to Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen. The movie comes alive whenever they take centre stage, and dies a little when they dont. For the most part, though, Vaughn does right by playing up the James Bond parallels and acknowledging the debt to producer Bryan Singer through a couple of clever cameos. --Kathleen C. Fennessy

See how it all began in this thrilling first chapter of the X-MEN saga. Before Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr became Professor X and Magneto, they were two young men discovering their powers for the first time. Before they were enemies, they were the closest of friends and gathered an elite team of mutants to form the X-Men in an attempt to prevent World War III!

Obraz: 16:9 - 2.35:1
Czas trwania: 126 min
Dźwięk: English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, Audio Descriptive Dolby Digital 5.1, Czech, Dolby Digital 5.1, Polish Dolby Digital 5.1, Turkish, Dolby Digital 5.1, Music only Dolby Digital 5.1
Napisy: Arabic, Bulgarian, Danish, English, Finnish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Swedish, Polish, Czech, Turkish
Polska wersja językowa: lektor, napisy
Dodatki: Cerebro: The Ultimate Mutant Database replicates what happens when Charles locates mutants through Cerebro and allows you to learn more about various mutants, connect them to key events, decipher connections between them and much more (additional mutants
Region: Region B/2 (Polska, Europa)
Ilość dysków: 2
TRAITPL1: # TRAITPL2: 15560#

Reżyseria Matthew Vaughn
Wendy Craig
Wykonawcy Kevin Bacon
Rose Byrne
James McAvoy
Oliver Platt
Bill Milner
Polska wersja lektor

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product_id: 7668;
Aukcja stworzona 2<span class=hidden_cl>[zasłonięte]</span>014-10 23:52:36 przez sklep oparty na systemie IAI-Shop.