Wzmacniacz lampowy Arco Sound model "Rack Mounted"
Nowoczesna konstrukcja single ended ,pracująca w klasie A, bezawaryjna technika montażu "point to point". Transformatory wyjściowe Giatras , dzięki temu ma wspaniałe brzmienie w szerokim zakresie.
Specyfikacja techniczna:
Moc RMS [W]
2 x 16
Oporność wyjściowa [Ω]
Pasmo przenoszenia [Hz-kHz]
10 - 45 ± 0,5dB
Zniekształcenia nieliniowe THD [%]
Wejścia [RCA]
Pentoda strumieniowa mocy [symbol]
2 x E130L Haltron
Lampa - Podwójna trioda [symbol]
2 x 6SN7C/6H8C
Rack 19'
Wymiary [cm]
Waga [kg]
(możliwe wypożyczenie na 1 dniowy test)
This SE amplifier was projected for an audio recording studio and it can deliver a clear 18 watt RMS in any sensitive monitor speaker, two or three ways. It also can work very well in a normal room , for normal people, which prefer more quality of sound than crude power! The tubes used were E130L-long-life power pentode, and in front-end , a cathode follower of a pair of 6SN7C/6H8C ,connected as a SRPP .for the input. The power supply was built using only solid-state rectifiers, fast-on slow recovery types. The good quality of the output transformers , and all the rest of the parts, made the amp. suitable to many applications, in home audio-systems. Some characteristics are:2x 18wats RMS on 8 Ohms, frequency response-10Hz to 45kHz +_0,5% ,o,8 THD,.1,5 input volts (RMS) for full output. The chassis is built from heavy steel metal ,stove painted ,with two handy in front panel for an easy rack mounting, if desired.