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Metal detector STALKER PI is designed to find metallic objects deeply buried in the soil.
Metal detector operation is based on the pulse induction principle. The induced coil at the searching frame produces a short electromagnetic impulse, which creates the initial magnetic field over the target. In accordance with the exponential law the currents flows outward from the target, creating the secondary magnetic field detected by the device. Decay rate depends on many factors. First of all it depends on the electrical conductivity and thickness of metal. This type of devices is more sensitive to metals with low electrical conductivity and heavy corrosion, which leads to the improved resistance on the target surface. This type of devices can be operated effectively in highly mineralized soil areas. It has been found experimentally that they are absolutely insensitive to granite and sand.
The main goal in the design of the metal detector STALKER PI was to simplify the device settings and its control board as much as possible.
Searching frame 2х2m.
Goal Depth of detection in the air, (m)
Aluminium can 0,5l 1,5
Copper plate 15smх22sm 1,8
Helmet 2,0 Can 20l 2,4
Searching frame 1х1m.
Goal Depth of detection in the air, (m)
Aluminium can 0,5l 1,2
Copper plate 15smх22sm 1,5
Helmet 1,5 Can 20l 1,8
Box «Maksim» 1,5
Coins (bottle 5 kg) 1,1
Coins (in bulk 200 gm.) 0,9
Gwarancja Gwarancja na moduł elektroniczny wieczysta od producenta .
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