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Wristwatches - 4th Edition

25-01-2012, 11:15
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Wristwatches - 4th Edition

Gisbert L. Brunner & Christian Pfeiffer-Belli

Book Details
ISBN:  076[zasłonięte]9019
Size:  7" x 10"
Illustrations:  480+ photos
Pages:  192
Availability:  Now Available
Binding: Soft Cover

Book Description
Now in its revised fourth edition, this book is designed for the collector, with an historical survey, a description of how mechanical wristwatches work, and a glossary. Updated price ranges for various wristwatches are included, along with a chapter on fakes, knock-offs, and hybrids. Even a chapter on the popular Swatch watches is included. Information on the preservation, care, and repair of watches rounds out the volume, making it an excellent reference for novice and experienced collectors alike.

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