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08-03-2012, 5:42
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Zostało sztuk: 2    Wyświetleń: 26   
Koniec: 08-03-2012 11:40:09

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Opakowanie: w folii
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Różni wykonawcy
Wow Gospel 2012 (2CD)
PREMIERA! Wysyłamy po 13 lutym 2012
płyta nowa w folii oryginał gwarancja
CD 1:
1. Kirk Franklin - Before I Die
2. Mary Mary - Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
3. Isaac - Carree - In The Middle
4. Marvin Sapp - He Has His Hands On You - Radio Edit
5. Deitrick Haddon - Well Done
6. Jessica Reedy - Put It On The Altar
7. Dorinda Clark-Cole - Back To You
8. Kim Burrell - Sweeter
9. 21:03 - Incredible
10. Israel Houghton - Love God Love People
11. Lecrae (Feat. Anthony Evans) - Boasting
12. Fred Hammond - He Lives (2011)
13. Fortune, James, & Fiya - Encore
14. Jennifer Hudson - Believe

CD 2:
1. God Is Great
2. Kierra Sheard - You Are
3. Donald Lawrence & Company (Feat. Dorinda Clark Cole) - Yrm (Your Righteous Mind) - Album Version
4. Vashawn - Mitchell - Chasing After You
5. Earnest - Pugh - I Need Your Glory
6. Myron Butler - Bless The Lord
7. Richard Smallwood, With Vision - Trust Me - Radio Edit
8. Wess Morgan - I Choose To Worship
9. Norful, Smokie - The Blood Will Never Loose It's Power
10. Anita Wilson - Speechless
11. John Kee P. (Feat. Rance Allen) - Blessings - Radio Edit
12. Martha Munizzi - Excellent
13. Soul Seekers (Feat. Marvin Winans) - Itcs All God
14. Together We Stand Community Choir (Feat. Mali Music) - Make Me New
15. Crouch, Andrae (Feat. Marvin Winans) - Let The Church Say Amen
16. Forever Jones - Heaven [IDS72839]
spis utworów:
dystrybutor: Sony & BMG Music Entertainment