Witam ,dzisiaj na sprzedaż mam znakomite konto do gry WORLD OF WARCRAFT na serwerze The Maelstrom EU
Horda-Shaman 85lvl
main, nie gralem nim praktycznie po wyjsciu patcha 4.3, przezucilem sie wtedy na DK:
Gear PvE :Resto 357ilvl
Gear pvp enh ilvl 354, 3k resi
Master Riding (310%) + 59 mountów.(rakieta , rzadkie mounty z instancji,oba smoki z ICC i Uldu)
Companionow 82 !!
Engineering 525
Mining 525
First Aid 525/525
Fishing 205/525
Cooking 525/525
7895 Achiv pkt
21 Exalted Reputation
22 tytuly w tym nie do zdobycia the Immortal !! Champion of Ulduar, Sen'jin
1k Golda
17 Feast of Strength
Alliance-DK 85lvl (alt) :
PvE Tank 375, zostalo wymienic 2 trinkety
PvP Frost 390 ilvl
6k Golda
Alliance-Lock 85lvl (alt)-PvE DPS okolo 350ilvl
Pozostałe postacie :- Druid 80lvl
Posiadam prawie wszystkie mozliwe heirloomy wiec nie problem stworzyc kolejna postac :)
W razie pytan o postac, negocjacje cene podaje GG[zasłonięte]43348
(prosze pisac nawet jak niedostepny, napewno odczytam i odp)
Oczywiscie do postaci podaje wszystkie dane, login,haslo, SA
Do konta dokladam w cenie Authenticatora (bryloczek, nie zadna aplikacja na tel)
Dzieki temu nigdy nikt nie wlamie sie na konto :)
Edit: Zmiana ceny z 350 do 270, ciagle cena do negocjacji, koncze z WoWem i wole sprzedac konto zeby ktos dalej mogl je rozwijac niz zeby stalo :))
You are bidding on my time leveling for this account. Said account remains the property of Blizzard. You will not 'OWN' the account, for it belongs to Blizzard. The only thing you are bidding on is the time I have invested into the account. All characters, items, in-game currency, and anything else associated with this auction will remain the property of Blizzard. By bidding on, inquiring about, or viewing this auction you are stating that you are in NO way affiliated with Blizzard Entertainment or any associated entity. World of Warcraft is a trademark of Blizzard Entertainment. All characters, items, gold pieces, or other intellectual property in World of Warcraft are the sole property of Blizzard Entertainment. This auction is not for the ownership of their intellectual property but rather for the time spent working on these characters and acquiring items. Before bidding on my auction you must read and agree to Blizzard's EULA located at: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/legal/eula.html All title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to World of Warcraft are owned by Blizzard Entertainment and its licensors. This auction is not for said rights or intellectual property but is a compensation for time and effort invested personally outside the game. All items related in this auction will remain the sole property of Blizzard Entertainment. By viewing OR bidding on this account you assert that you are in no way affiliated or employed with Blizzard Entertainment