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World Atlas of Architecture Rzym gotyk Renesans

21-06-2014, 20:15
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 59.99 zł     
Użytkownik musaion
numer aukcji: 4266262509
Miejscowość Wierzbica
Wyświetleń: 12   
Koniec: 21-06-2014 20:03:32

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Waga (z opakowaniem): 2.80 [kg]
Okładka: twarda z obwolutą
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1984
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The World Atlas of Architecture


London 1984

Stron 408, DUŻY format: 27 x 37 cm


Setki ilustracji, dziesiątki planów budynków i mapek



Książka jest używana: lekko pogięta obwoluta, bez innych defektów. Stan dobry plus.



There is no more enduring and accessible record of civilisation than the great treasures of world architecture, yet few people really know how to look at buildings and enjoy them to the full. Most of us give churches and monuments around us no more than a passing glance. Our emotions may be stirred by the wonders of Chartres or the Parthenon, but only informed, critical appraisal can reveal the subtle and complex beauties of creations such as the dome of St Paul's Cathedral in London or that of Les Invalides in Paris.

The glories of European architecture, making up the heart of the revised and beautifully expanded World Atlas of Architecture, are revealed more richly than ever before, with imaginative cut-away reconstructions and perspective drawings complementing stunning photographs. Illustrations and text extend the story to every area of the world - from the magnificent royal sepulchres and Buddhist temples of ancient Korea to the simpler but nonetheless seminal building forms of Africa and the Pacific islands. A foreword by John Hulius Norwich, general editor of the original book, presents a personal view of the value and relevance of our architectural heritage.

Detailed maps throughout the book show major archaeological sites, important buildings, and the extent of the great empires. Time charts outline key events in the history of different civilizations and pinpoint the creation of their finest monuments. The text, prepared by eminent architectural historians, explores not only the social and cultural forces that led to the creation of various styles, but also the technical and practical considerations that shaped their development Above all, the aim is to enhance the reader's aesthetic appreciation of the great buildings of the world.







The origins of Chinese architecture

Urban architecture

Monumental architecture

Houses, parks and gardens



Palaces and temples Houses and gardens



The Shinto shrine, an expression of national tradition

The Buddhist temple and technical progress

The castle, an exception to the rules of architecture

Houses and pavilions, precursors of contemporary architecture



The tomb of earthly desires

The abode of the gods

The house and palaces of the faithful

South-East Asia


The mountain of the gods Labyrinths of meditation

Black Africa


Materials and building methods

The stone walls of Zimbabwe

The symbolism of the granary

Pre-Hispanic America


Domestic settlements and public architecture in Mesoamerica

Peruvian temples, cities and fortresses

Pacific Ocean

Introduction Easter Island

The "marae" of central Polynesia



The Near East


Sumerians, Elamites and Hittites Assyrians and neo-Babylonians Persians and Sassanians



The pyramids and tombs of Memphis Town planning and domestic architecture The temples of the New Kingdom

The Greek world


Pre- and protohistoric dwellings

Minoan palaces and Mycenaean fortresses

The rebirth of Greek architecture

The Doric Order

The Ionic Order

The great sanctuaries

Military architecture

Public buildings and private houses

Greek architecture during the imperial period



Primitive Rome and Etruscan architecture

Roman architecture in the republican period

The forum, heart of the Roman town

Temples of the imperial age

Buildings for leisure and spectacle

Palaces, villas and houses

The Greco-Roman legacy: the town

Architecture for transport: roads, bridges, aqueducts




Palaeo-Christian architecture

The creation of the basilica: Rome Conservative architecture: Ravenna


A work of light: Santa Sophia, Constantinople Greece and the Balkans: the impact of liturgy Monuments of stone: Armenia

Carolingian architecture

Religious architecture Palaces

An ideal plan for a monastery



Romanesque architecture

Introduction 192

The first Romanesque age 196

France: the vaulted church 198

Norman church-building in England 200

Early appearance of the rib vault: Durham 202

Architectural diversity in Italy 204

Local traditions and French influences in Spain 206

Romanesque architecture in Germany: continuing traditions 208

Gothic architecture

Introduction 210

Early Gothic in France 214

Chartres and Bourges 216

Three 13th century French cathedrals 218

The originality of English Gothic 220

Spanish Gothic 222

The Holy Roman Empire : new directions 224

Decorated and Perpendicular in England 226

A new architectural vision in Italy 228

The technical perfection of late Gothic 230

Military architecture

Introduction 232

Passive defence: rectangular stone keeps 236

Active defence: round towers 238

A new civic spirit: bridges 240


Introduction 242

The two sources of Islamic architecture 250

Break-up of the empire and architectural regionalism 252

Sunnite reaction and the renewal of form 254

Combined traditions in Turcoman Anatolia 256

The hispano-Maghrebi provinces and new formulas 258

Iranian architecture 260

Ottoman Turkey 262



The Renaissance

Introduction 264

The Florentine Renaissance 270

A new type of palace 272

Humanist architecture 274'

The new St. Peter's in the new Rome 276

The classical heritage and Mannerism in Italy 278

the villas 280

Churches of the Counter-Reformation 282

The early Renaissance in France 284

The classical Renaissance in France 286

Polychromy and Mannerism in northern Europe 288

Spain and Portugal 290

Germany and England 292

The 17th century

Introduction 294

The new classicism in England and the Netherlands 300

The Baroque in Rome 302

France : the spirit of classicism 304

Italian variations 306

Versailles: a classic residence 308

England: Wren and his contemporaries 310

Bastioned fortifications -■ 312

The Age of Enlightenment

Introduction 314

The Rococo and its interpretation in France, Italy and Russia 318

The Austrian Baroque 320

Baroque and Rococo in Germany 322

The Iberian peninsula 324

Colonial architecture 326

The great phase of the Baroque in England 328

The Palladian revival and Neoclassicism in England 330

Neoclassicism in France at the end of the 18th century 332

International Neoclassicism



The 19th century

Introduction 336

Technical progress in Great Britain 340

The Paris Exhibition, 1889 342

The emergence of new techniques 344

Historicism: tradition and antiquity 346

Neo-Gothic architecture 348

The Paris Opera 350

Eclecticism and stylistic uncertainty 352

The turn of the century

Introduction 354

The house 356

Art Nouveau in Europe 358

Critical rationalism 360

The search for pure form 362

The birth of modernism 364

The 20th century

Introduction 366

From expressionism to Art Deco 370

The elaboration of a language 372

The triumph of modernism 374

Challenges to the "International Style" 376

From Wright to Aalto: organic architecture 378

Brutalist Europe 3 80

The voice of America 382

The third generation 384

The triumphant Sixties 386

New directions in the modern movement 388

Modernism in question 3 90

Bibliography 392

Index/glossary 394


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