"A CRY over the ABYSS : The DISCOURSE of ROBERT BROWNING and ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNE", R.W.WOLNY ; UO, OPOLE 2004 ; nakład : 300 ; stan : bdb ; przesyłka polecona : 9,30 zł.
Acknowledgements.................... 9 List of Abbreviations.................... 11 Preface.................... 13 Introduction....................... 17
PART ONE 1. Discourse on the discourse of power: In search of a theory ... 25 2. Michel Foucault and the power model: The discourse of power, force and violence.................... 45
PART TWO 3. Nietzsche and Browning: Philosophising with a hammer. VS. Hammering with Philosophy. The discourse of philosophy as poetry/poetry as philosophy ..... 57 4. Death and disappearance of God. Nietzsche and Browning. The discourse of God's power, absence and revaluation of all values......................... 85
PART THREE 5. Nietzsche/Foucault and Browning/Swinburne: The discourse of power of madness and/or madness of power ........129 6. The metaphor of "woman." Nietzsche and Swinburne: The discourse of power of love/love of power........169
PART FOUR 7. A cry over the abyss: The path ends............209 Coda: The labyrinth in which we are lost..........231
Conclusions ....................... 235 Miscellanea........................ 237 Notes.......................... 245 Bibliography....................... 249 Abstract......................... 255 Abstract in Polish..................... 257 |