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Witness in Death, J D Robbs (Nora Roberts)

24-01-2012, 6:31
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numer aukcji: 2055757359
Miejscowość Kraków
Wyświetleń: 10   
Koniec: 23-01-2012 21:55:52

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2004
Kondycja: bez śladów używania
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Witness in Death

 J.D. Robb


 Futuristic Romantic Suspense


368 stron


 It is 2059, and New York City homicide lieutenant Eve Dallas's husband, Roarke, is producing a revival of Agatha Christie's thriller Witness for the Prosecution. On opening night, when the villainous character Leonard Vole gets his just deserts, someone substitutes a kitchen knife for the prop knife, and the actor, Richard Draco, is stabbed through the heart. Trouble is, in time-tested British mystery fashion, everyone in the cast had good reason to despise Richard, a misogynist who seduced and discarded beautiful young women, including one whom he knew to be his daughter. It's up to Eve to solve the case, an emotionally difficult task as she is no stranger to incest herself: she was beaten and raped by her father before she managed to escape him. As Eve fights to keep her head above water, she tries to bond at a deeper level with Roarke, so that her future will heal the pain of her past. Robb (aka Nora Roberts) serves up a welcome mix of edgy, sexy lovers,newfangled gadgets, classic whodunit and noir.


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Polski Tytul: Swiadek Smierci



Scena nowo otwartego teatru zmienia się w czasie premiery w miejsce zbrodni, której świadkiem jest Eve Dallas. Co więcej, właścicielem teatru jest jej mąż.

Rozpoczyna się zawiłe dochodzenie, w którym największym problemem jest wytyczenie granicy między prawdą a grą.