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WITCH HUNT Burning Bridges To Nowhere LPnowa/folia

20-01-2012, 18:46
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WITCH HUNT "Burning Bridges To Nowhere" LP

WITCH HUNT to najnowsza perełka w wytwórni Alternative Tentacles. Potwierdza to ci, którzy załapali sie, na którys z ich trzech polskich koncertów ich europejskiej trasy. Melodyjny ale ostry i zadziorny punk z spiewnymi męsko-damskimi wokalami i inteligentny, zaangazowany przekaz. Po prostu miód!

Zespół założony został w 2001 roku w New Jersey. Początkowo funkcjonował jako trio, aby przekształcić się w kwartet wkrótce po przeprowadzce muzyków w 2005 r. do Filadelfii. Witch Hunt to obecnie jeden z najciekawszych zespołów działających w obrębie niezależnej sceny hardcore punk. Grupie udało się wypracować bardzo oryginalne styl i brzmienie. Żywiołowy punk rock wzbogacony hardcore'ową energią, znakomite melodie i charakterystyczny sposób śpiewania dwóch wokalistek oraz wokalisty, ponadto poruszające teksty dotyczące głównie spraw społeczno-politycznych szybko zwróciły uwagę publiczności na całym świecie. Pozwoliło to Witch Hunt zagrać kilka tras koncertowych obejmujących całe Stany Zjednoczone, jak i długie europejskie tournee w 2007 roku. Płyty zespołu ukazały się zaś w tak renomowanych wytwórniach jak Profane Existence (albumy "As Priorities Decay" i "Blood-Red States") czy prowadzona przez legendarnego wokalistę Dead Kennedys, Jello Biafrę, Alternative Tentacles (najnowszy, wydany w bieżącym roku longplej "Burning Bridges To Nowhere"). Występy Witch Hunt w Polsce odbędą się w ramach jego drugiego europejskiego tournee. Trwać ono będzie aż 2 miesiące, podczas których zespół zagra w 17 krajach. - www.scenaonline.org


1.Blind Eyes Blind Lives
3.Counting Down The Days
4.Septa Death
7.Sick Industry
8.A Slow Decay
9.Plastic Dream
11.Treadmill March
12.Burning Bridges To Nowhere

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When punk music is done wrong, it's easy to tell. The musicianship is either not there or it's prone to pointless, masturbatory noodling. The lyrics are ham-fisted, forcing rhymes to match cliches about bombs, systems and the streets. Worst of all is the pre-packaged allegiance to genre, where crust bands do this, emo bands do that, pop-punk bands do so-and-so, and most of them wind up committing that heinous crime without a name: genericide. Enter Witch Hunt and their newest album, Burning Bridges to Nowhere.

Simply put, this is punk done right. Here is a record from a so-called peace-punk band (or a "crust" band, if I'm to believe some fliers) with chorused guitars straight from Husker Du's Zen Arcade, male/female melodic vocal harmonies and exploding drum blasts giving way to hooks-a-plenty. A seven-year trail of EPs on local bedroom labels and two albums on Profane Existence document a band constantly evolving, outdoing itself with every new release. Burning Bridges marks a milestone to be sure. While fans will find a familiar energy in the gallop of "Septa Death" and album opener "Blind Eyes, Blind Lives," longtime listeners and new recruits alike will find new ground here, such as the hulking dirge of "Void", the stop-start precision of "Sick Industry", and the bittersweet chorus of the title-track. Avoiding "punk by numbers," while still rooting their progression in the rich tradition of DIY hardcore punk and post-punk, Burning Bridges aims at something current. With a wide spectrum of reference pointsŃ from Rites Of Spring, Econochrist, and The Mob to Poison Idea, early Chumbawamba, and, of course, Husker DuŃ Witch Hunt has produced a thoroughly present hardcore punk album for 2009!

Formed as a three-piece in New Jersey in 2001, the group released its debut 7" nearly a year later, followed by its first U.S. tour. Throughout 2[zasłonięte]002-20, the band released a split 7" (with Deathbag), and continued to tour, finally releasing its first full-length, ÉAs Priorities Decay. In 2005, the band officially relocated to Philadelphia and became a four-piece with the addition of Vince Klopfenstein on drums (original drummer Rob Fitzpatrick moving to guitar and vocals). Blood-Red States, the band's second full-length, came out in the spring of 2006, followed by an extensive set of tours in the U.S. and Europe throughout the rest of the year and 2007, including a supporting spot with punk legends the Subhumans. The band continues to self-release and re-issue its older material, while putting all energy into the future.

Janine Enriquez-bass, vocals
Rob Fitzpatrick-guitar, vocals
Nicole Enriquez-guitar, vocals
Vince Klopfenstein-drums

Philadelphia's Witch Hunt have joined the ranks of the Bat and offered up their 3rd & finest full-length yet! Formed in 2001 as a New Jersey trio, Witch Hunt soon moved their brand of aggressive punk to Philadelphia where they expanded their lineup to a four-piece and continued to evolve their sound as abilities caught up to ideas. That evolution is evident in their AT debut, Burning Bridges to Nowhere, which blends the primal rage of hardcore, the melodic-sense of Husker Du, and the moodiness of UK peace-punk into an album that will leave genre-purists scratching their heads and (hopefully) have ALL fans of hardcore-punk walking and/or rocking together a little more often!

Fans of AT's BlackNoise imprint and groups like I OBJECT and NAUSEA and even DISASTER STRIKES will love this, but anyone into melodic punk with screaming female vocals will also dig this! The LP has an insert & a printed inside dust jacket, and the CD is a handsome multipanel digipack! Brand New! Brand New!

 "Witch Hunt helps to announce a renaissance for Alternative Tentacles in my eyes.  Male/female vocals soar over violent, at times even grind core style playing. The call and response vocals on the opening "Blind Eyes Blind Lives" introduce a series of skillfully delivered punk, overflowing with raw emotion and intense playing.  The intelligent lyrics (see specifically "Counting Down the Days", "Silence" and "Treadmill March") and crushing grooves (every song) which dominate the record separates Witch Hunt from lesser competitors.  "Septa Death" and "Sick Industry" are two more fast-paced, flesh tearing anthems that are perfectly juxtaposed with the sludgy "Void" and the Zen Arcade style of "A Slow Decay".  The diversity of the playing keeps this continuously interesting as the band seems to reinvent itself with each passing track.  Janine and Nicole Enriquez share vocal responsibilities with Rob Fitzpatrick and each bring a unique style and level of intensity.  There are moments of warm harmony, such as "Everyday" and "Plastic Dream", which fight to exist within the waves of aggression. This is a great release."
- Jersey Beat

"I dig Witch Hunt, and Burning Bridges to Nowhere is exactly why. Bridging the gap between crust punk and early pop-punk (think Husker Du, not NOFX) immediately seems like a treacherous path to take, but Witch Hunt somehow manage to do that without becoming a laughingstock. Moving easily from medium-paced sing-alongs ('Everyday') to screamy punk anthems ('Counting Down The Days'), Witch Hunt take everything that is now, and was once, awesome about punk rock and make it, well, awesome again. Crusties, spange the 11 bucks or so & buy this fucker!"
- Slug Magazine

"Het Alternative Tentacles label van Jello Biafra heeft nogal de neiging om politiek correcte platen uit te brengen. Platen waarvan de politieke boodschap vaak belangrijker lijkt dan de muziek. Gevolg: een steeds groter wordende stapel platen die nauwelijks door te komen is. Al lijkt het de laatste tijd weer de goede kant op te gaan met minder release waarbij de nadruk ligt op de politiek. Een onbewust Obama-effect wellicht? Want tussen al het politiek correcte spul zit tegenwoordig steeds vaker een plaat waarvan de boodschap ok is, maar ook muzikaal gezien interessant is. Het uit Philidelphia afkomstige anarchogezelschap dat zich Witch Hunt noemt heeft met Burning Bridges To Nowhere een ruwe punkplaat gemaakt. Mannelijke zang wordt zo nu en dan afgewisseld door vrouwelijke zang, wat duidelijk een toegevoegde waarde is. Witch Hunt weet een mooi evenwicht te vinden tussen de hedendaagse hardcore en punk uit de jaren '70. Voor een anarchoband speelt Witch Hunt best strak en is er ook kwa tempo ruim voldoende afwisseling. Jello Biafra heeft er goed aangedaan om deze plaat op zijn label uit te brengen."
- Sonic Rendevous

"Solid, driving, rockin' melodic hardcore often with dual female & male vocals from Philly. Lots of good bass, guitar lines & plenty of insightful lyrics. Very diverse sound from a variety of punk, hardcore and heavy rock. A mix of Signal Lost, Nausea (NYC), Spitboy, Fugazi & I Object!"
- KZSU Zookeeper

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WITCH HUNT Burning Bridges To Nowhere LPnowa/folia

Dodano 2[zasłonięte]009-12 18:08

Dodano 2[zasłonięte]009-12 18:11