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White Knight Chronicles (PS3)

08-02-2014, 1:07
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania nie była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 201.99 zł     
Użytkownik SolAviSpl
numer aukcji: 3868662751
Miejscowość Gryfino
Zostało sztuk: 3    Wyświetleń: 13   
Koniec: 08-02-2014 01:09:58

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Dodatkowe informacje: Folia
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White Knight Chronicles (PS3) 
White Knight Chronicles (PS3) 201,99 zł

Stan płyty:

Termin wysyłki
od 7 do 12 dni roboczych


White Knight Chronicles is an epic fantasy tale about two kingdoms in midst of a longstanding war. The King of Balandor, wishing to put an end to the war, invites the duke of Faria to his castle to celebrate his daughter's coming of age. But this celebration is sabotaged by the Magi, a rogue sect seeking to steal the White Knight, an ancient weapon of war sealed beneath Balandor castle, in order to take over the world. During the ensuing chaos, a young man named Leonard accidentally unlocks the power of the White Knight as he attempts to save the princess. With this power, Leonard manages to fend off the Magi attack, but not before they escape with the princess. With the kingdoms in chaos, Leonard is entrusted with the mission to find the Magi and rescue the princess. With the help of his trusted companions, they travel throughout Balandor and beyond on a quest to save the princess before the Magi unlock the other knights. The journey is fraught with danger, with Magi warriors at every turn, mythical beasts and monsters to battle, and forbidden powers revealed. As Leonard learns more about the power of the Knight, he realizes that unsealing all of them could trigger a calamity that could end the world.

  • 50 disc based online requests: Complete quests cooperatively with up to 3 other players to gain extra gear and experience. Additional quests will be available in the future.
  • Voice Chat: Use your headset to chat with other players.
  • Georama lobby creation mode: Build an online village for your avatar. Invite friends to play a multiplayer quest. Purchase unique items and gear.
  • Live Talk: Characters will have side conversations and make comments during gameplay.

Zdjęcie poglądowe, okładki mogą się różnić.
White Knight Chronicles (PS3)
Poczta ekonomiczny         4,99zł
Poczta priorytet              7,99zł                  
Paczkomaty                    8,99zł
Kurier (DHL, DPD)          19,99zł
WBK 18 1090 [zasłonięte] 1[zasłonięte]4920001 [zasłonięte] 008853