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Wheelwright Julie - Amazons and military maids

04-03-2012, 16:26
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Miejscowość Kasinka Mała
Wyświetleń: 5   
Koniec: 12-03-2012 12:12:43

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
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Wheelwright Julie - Amazons and military maids
ISBN: 004[zasłonięte]4948
Wymiar: 130 x 196 mm
Nr wydania: -
Seria: -
Ilość stron: 205
Waga: 0,25 kg
Indeks: 0012/05/0034
Ocena: Dobry
Rok wydania: 1989
Rodzaj okładki: Miękka
Wydawca: Pandora
Stan: Używana
Autor: Wheelwright Julie

Opis książki

Amazons and military maids. Women who dressed as men in pursuit of life, liberty and happiness

The author traces the careers of women who have lived and worked as men, from the 1700s to their re-emergence in the First World War. She assesses the way in which womens' experience changes to accommodate masculine and feminine concepts and the tensions experienced by women as they struggle with the contradictions of harbouring male and female identities within themselves.
Amazons and military maids. Women who dressed as men in pursuit of life, liberty and happiness

The author traces the careers of women who have lived and worked as men, from the 1700s to their re-emergence in the First World War. She assesses the way in which womens' experience changes to accommodate masculine and feminine concepts and the tensions experienced by women as they struggle with the contradictions of harbouring male and female identities within themselves. In so doing, she tries to gain an insight into the changing sexual roles, patriotism and the ideology of war and peace. The writer draws on memoirs, letters, diaries, historical archives and rare sketches to illustrate her case.


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