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What We Know About
Climate Change (Boston Review
Books) |
DETAILS: Author: Kerry
Emanuel Language: English Publisher: MIT Press Publication Date:
28 Dec 2012 Dimensions:
1.3 x 12.7 x 19.1
cm Format: Hardcover Pages: 128 Condition: NEW Product_ID: AB6BA1D438
The vast majority of scientists agree that human
activity has significantly increased greenhouse gases in
the atmosphere--most dramatically since the 1970s. Yet
global warming skeptics and ill-informed elected
officials continue to dismiss this broad scientific
consensus. In this new edition of his authoritative
book, MIT atmospheric scientist Kerry Emanuel--a
political conservative--outlines the basic science of
global warming and how the current consensus has
emerged. He also covers two major developments that have
occurred since the first edition: the most recent round
of updated projections from the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change climate simulations, and the so-called
"climategate" incident that heralded the subsequent
collapse of popular and political support in the United
States for dealing with climate change.
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