Gay marriage has become the most important domestic
social issue facing twenty-first-century Americans --
particularly Americans of faith. Most Christians are
pro-marriage and hold traditional family values, but
should they endorse extending marriage rights to gays
and lesbians? If Jesus enjoined us to love our neighbors
as ourselves, and the homosexual is our neighbor, does
that mean we should accept and bless gay marriages?
These and other, related questions are tearing many
faith-based communities apart.Across the country, states
have voted, courts have debated, and churches have
divided over the legitimacy of same-sex marriage. Amid
the uproar one perspective is decidedly missing: that of
thoughtful, pro-marriage Christians who, informed by
their faith, are struggling to make sense of this issue.
What God Has Joined Together? is an effort to bridge the
divide between marriage-supporting and gay-supporting
people of faith by showing why both sides have important
things to say and showing how both sides can coexist.
Drawing on scientific research as well as on the Bible,
the authors explain that marriage is emotionally,
physically, financially, and spiritually beneficial for
everyone, not just heterosexuals.They debunk myths about
sexual orientation, assess claims of sexual
reorientation, and explore what the Bible does and does
not say about same-sex relationships. The book ends with
a persuasive case for gay marriage and outlines how this
can be a win-win solution for all.