Welsh traditional music has, until now, been the
'Cinderella' of world music studies. Over the years, few
English-language writers have paid it any attention,
largely because the majority of the songs of Wales are
in the Welsh language. Now, at last, that gap has been
filled by an American. Phyllis Kinney's book, Welsh
Traditional Music, will delight and inform anyone with
an interest in the subject, be they a general reader, an
academic, or a performer. It covers the traditional
music of Wales from its beginnings through to the
present day and contains an extensive selection of more
than 200 musical examples. The book not only includes
musical analysis of many of the examples, but also
places the songs firmly in their social and historical
context. Among the many different forms of Welsh
traditional music discussed are seasonal music
(including wassail songs, Christmas and May carols and
Plygain carols), folk drama, ballad-singing, the
relevance of the eisteddfod and the musical journals of
the nineteenth century,.In addition, it includes a
history of collecting from the eighteenth century to the
establishment and on-going activities of the Welsh
Folk-Song Society in the twentieth. Both the
instrumental and the vocal traditions are examined and
there is a section dealing with the uniquely Welsh
tradition of 'cerdd dant'. Overall, the value of the
book lies not only in its ground-breaking nature and the
quality of its scholarship, but in its discussion of
Welsh traditional music in the context of the Welsh
musical tradition generally. Phyllis Kinney is an
American who has steeped herself in the culture, and
become fluent in the language, of her adopted country.
She is an acknowledged authority on the traditional
music of Wales and has produced a book which will become
a classic. |