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Warmachine Alternate Stryker

14-03-2015, 11:37
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Mamy do zaoferowania metalową figurkę do systemu Warmachine:




Alternate Stryker


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Commander Coleman Stryker - Cygnar warcaster

Of the four Battle Box warcasters that were first released with Warmachine Stryker tends to get the least respect. Mostly because his feat isn't as overtly powerful as Deneghra's, Kreoss', or Sorcha's. However, he's a flexible warcaster with a set of solid and reliable spells. In the right hands he's tough to beat.


Stryker is a generalist, and he's equally good at ranged combat, close assault, and at controlling warjacks. He's got a generic selection of spells and a Focus of six. Stryker has the highest command rating of all the Cygnarans from Prime, which ensures that solos and units under his command will rarely flee. For a Cygnaran Stryker is tough and hard to hit, but he cannot afford to wander out in front of the enemy without troops or warjacks to screen him except on a turn that he's used his feat. Stryker's real power is in his spells and his feat, though he can mix it up with warjacks and warcasters if you line up the charge with him.

Feat - Invincibility

This is one of the more difficult feats to make good use of. For one turn all allied Cygnaran models in his control radius will have a +5 ARM. For some models this something that most warcasters and warjacks can still get past. For Stryker, your warjacks, and some warriors this guarantees near invulnerability for a turn. Stryker also has the spell Arcane Shield, which stacks with Invincibility. With the addition of a Journeyman warcaster and it's Arcane Shield that's two units at +8 ARM!

Stryker's feat allows you to get your models up close, and gives your ranged specialists the ability to exchange shooting attacks with another army. At first, use Stryker's feat to give your models a turn to run at the enemy and damn the consequences. As you gain more experience with him you'll learn to use the ability at just the right time to toss a monkey-wrench in your opponent's plans. This is a powerful feat, but requires a lot more skill and practice than the other boxed set warcaster's feats.

Weapons - Disruptor Pistol and Quicksilver

Both of these weapons cause disruption, an effect that messes up warjacks real good. Of all the factions this hurts Menoth and Cryx the most. The Khadoran warcasters can usually boost their warjacks with spells without allocating focus to them, and they don't have arc nodes. Reinholdt the Gobber is a good merc for Stryker, because Stryker can use the gobber's reload ability to disrupt two warjacks per turn, and three if he also has Eiryss along. The sword is good in melee, but have a warjack or some Sword Knights or Storm Blades accompany Stryker if you intend to send him into melee with a warcaster or heavy warjack. Styker's decent in combat, but he's no world beater like the Butcher.


Arcane Blast: This was a spell of only passing interest before incorporeal models came along. You were usually better off casting Earthquake, and letting the rest of your force blast the knocked down models. Now you can use this spell if two incorporeal models happen to be too close together. On rare occasions you might have to use this spell if you don't have other models around to take advantage of enemy models knocked over by earthquake.

Arcane Bolt: You can attack incorporeal models with this spell. Otherwise the two points of focus are almost always better spent on other spells, or allocating to warjacks, or on Stryker's attacks. There are rare cases where it can come in valuable. Against a target with a low ARM that you'd just knocked down with Earthquake you can cast this spell through an arc node and be very sure of hitting. Against targets that you've knocked down with another model like an Ironclad, you can pour two damage boosted Arcane Bolts into it. If Stryker can charge the knocked down model he'll do more damage pouring six focus into attacks with his sword.

Arcane Shield: It's my opinion that you're best off casting this spell on models that have a high ARM rather than a low ARM. Casting this spell on Stryker and sitting on all his focus gives him a total ARM of 23, three points of which cannot be stripped away by Eiryss' Disruption Bolt. Since it affects entire units it seems more economical to use Arcane Shield on warrior units rather than warjacks. Sword Knights, Trenchers, Stormlances and Stormblades all become difficult to kill when this spell is cast on them. Most attacks that are meant to take down troops are POW 10, so boosting a unit of Stormblades' ARM to 18 makes them tough indeed!

Blur: Cast this spell on Gun Mages and your opponent will be driven to distraction by them. This spell will raise the DEF against ranged attacks for most models up to at least fifteen. That's pretty hard to hit. I've had better luck casting this spell on troops like Long Gunners rather than on warjacks like the Defender. This spell only works on ranged attacks, and offensive spells and melee attacks ignore Blur.

Earthquake: It's my opinion that if you're not fielding a Lancer or two and casting this spell through it a few times a game you're not utilizing Stryker properly. You won't have to allocate focus to your warjacks if you knock their targets on their butts. If you're hunting models with a high DEF move some of your own models with a lower DEF near the enemy models and cast Earthquake on your own models to catch the enemy model in the area of effect.

Snipe: Pick a unit that you want to have this spell for the rest of the game and cast it on them at +6" range and upkeep it. Normally, this will be a Defender Heavy Warjack, Long Gunners, or Trenchers. Don't overlook extending the range of troops that have more powerful weapons with a limited range like Storm Blades, Stormlances, or Gun Mages. With the Officer and Standard Bearer from Escalation attached, a unit of Stormblades with 6" of snipe have a powerful ranged attack. If you can allocate three focus a turn to it then even the humble Charger can cause a lot of damage with an 18" range.

Thoughts on Commander Coleman Stryker

It's all about the Earthquake, which means that you want Lancers and models able to exploit the enemy models knocked down by Earthquake. You also want models that have a base ARM of at least 15 if they're one wound warriors. Otherwise Stryker's feat won't make them nearly so indestructible. Despite earlier comments about Gun Mages they are not ideal models in a Stryker army.

Instead, look to Trenchers that can get up to DEF:17 and ARM:25 against magic and ranged attacks with Invincibility and Arcane Shield. The Trencher's Assault move on a knocked down model is no less impressive so long as it's ARM:16 or less. All of the "Storm" units are highly thematic, and will be at least ARM:20 on the round that Stryker uses his feat. The Journeyman Warcaster is almost required, as he'll be pretty hard to kill on the feat round, and can be used for a second Arcane Shield. Finally, the Centurion is a mighty and brutal ARM:29 with both the feat and Arcane Shield going, plus it cannot be charged or slammed.

Stryker forces cannot "turtle" effectively, because you only get one round with the armor boosts. Instead, you need to use Invulnerability offensively to push back the enemy and make them decide to either try to injure your "nigh invulnerable" models, or retreat away from melee and get charged and pushed further back next turn.






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