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Wargames Illustrated - scenariusze gier wojennych

26-11-2014, 23:43
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 30 zł     
Użytkownik taniejniema
numer aukcji: 4807487098
Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 4   
Koniec: 26-11-2014 23:30:21

Dodatkowe informacje:
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2010
Okładka: miękka
Stan: Nowy
Rodzaj: Czasopisma
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Wargames Illustrated




w Języku Angielskim


Wydawnictwo Wargames Illustrated Limited

Nottingham - UK

Okładkowa data wydania : Październik 2010

113 stron

format 30 x 21 cm

Oprawa miękka lakierowana

Papier Kredowy

Druk Kolorowy


Nowy !!!


Przedmiotem aukcji jest Rewelacyjny Nowy magazyn pt. "Wargames Illustrated" wydany w oryginalnej angielskiej wersji językowej. Jest to 276 numer tego czasopisma, które jest najbardziej znanym na świecie brytyjskim magazynem dla miłośników wargamingu drukowanym na wysokiej jakości papierze. Zawiera bogato ilustrowane scenariusze bitew do gry, relacje z turniejów wargamingowych, opis i instruktaż malowania figurek do wargamingu (od 6-28 mm) z różnych epok historycznych jak również bogaty przegląd a także recenzje nowości z rynku systemów bitewnych, książek do wargamingu oraz figurek. W piśmie pojawiają się również artykuły historyczne i munduroznawcze. Pozycja ta powinna obowiązkowo znaleźć się w zbiorach każdego modelarza, entuzjasty gier wojennych, miłośnika militariów czy historii

Spis Treści:

010. Begatting and Smiting
It was all Yul Brynner's fault! That's the conclusion of Jim Graham as he tries to pinpoint who's to blame for his fascination with wargaming in the Chariot Wars era. Jim goes on to outline the development of the chariot and introduces us to some of the nations and places which feature in other Chariot Wars articles this month
018. Polishing that Old Gem
John Desch takes us on a journey through one of the most time-honored traditions of wargaming, tinkering with a favorite scenario to make it fit a new ruleset. In this case a battle from the Franco-Prussian War, with Black Powder as the targeted rule set
030. The Armies of Sumer and Akkad
The Sumerians and Akkadians sit on the very edge of recorded human history. In this article we give a detailed account of the Sumerians as a warrior nation and examine their chariots (or rather battlecarts) as a wargaming weapon
038. Great Warriors: US Marines
This month, in our irregular series "Great Warriors", we profile the U.S. Marines, focusing on their actions during WWII
040. Interview with Dale Dye
Captain Dale Dye, USMC (Ret.), has made a name for himself bringing realism to the military history portrayed by Hollywood. At Historicon this year, Capt. Dye spoke to HistoryNet.com and we have the first part of the interview here for you
044. The Battle of Megiddo, 1457BC
Enter the New Kingdom Egyptians; the archetypal Chariot Wars force. Three thousand chariots clash near the city of Megiddo. As well as background information you will find a scenario for refighting this epic encounter
054. The Taranaki War
AKA The Second Maori War. Following a decade of relative peace since the end of the First Maori War (covered in WI274) conflict again erupted in the Land of the Long White Cloud, and again the occupying British forces were sorely tested by the local resistance
064. Modelling Chariots
In the course of preparing our Chariot Wars content we thought it only right to construct our own miniature chariot, and give you the run down of the research and practical modelling techniques involved
070. Recon by Combat
Using first hand accounts from two Russian soldiers on the Eastern Front, Phil Yates creates both a playable mid-WWII scenario using 'recon by combat' and imparts the callous and horrifying nature of this Red Army tactic
078. The Assyrian Army
The Chariot Wars era came to a close with the Assyrians use of cavalry, but before the advent of the warrior horseman the Neo-Assyrians under Tiglath-Pileser III fielded some of the mightiest chariots in the Near East. We explore their use
086. The Battle of Hannut, 1941
Early WWII - a thousand German and French tanks clashing on the French-Belgian border. As well as the history you will find a Flames of War - Total War scenario
096. How to: Defences
This month's 'How To' spans the ages and brings you a cross-section of defensive works to help protect your metal warriors
102. Historicon Report
Historicon, the largest wargaming convention in North America, gets the full "show report" treatment, with plenty of lovely tables to drool over in the first of a number of articles covering the show
110. Reviews
What's new, what's hot and what's not