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Wargames Illustrated - konwersja malowanie figurek

29-10-2014, 17:15
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 30 zł     
Użytkownik taniejniema
numer aukcji: 4716030072
Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 10   
Koniec: 29-10-2014 16:47:49

Dodatkowe informacje:
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2011
Okładka: miękka
Stan: Nowy
Rodzaj: Czasopisma
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Wargames Illustrated




w Języku Angielskim


Wydawnictwo Wargames Illustrated Limited

Nottingham - UK

Okładkowa data wydania : Styczeń 2011

111 stron

format 30 x 21 cm

Oprawa miękka lakierowana

Papier Kredowy

Druk Kolorowy


Nowy !!!


Przedmiotem aukcji jest Rewelacyjny Nowy magazyn pt. "Wargames Illustrated" wydany w oryginalnej angielskiej wersji językowej. Jest to 279 numer tego czasopisma, które jest najbardziej znanym na świecie brytyjskim magazynem dla miłośników wargamingu drukowanym na wysokiej jakości papierze. Zawiera bogato ilustrowane scenariusze bitew do gry, relacje z turniejów wargamingowych, opis i instruktaż malowania figurek do wargamingu (od 6-28 mm) z różnych epok historycznych jak również bogaty przegląd a także recenzje nowości z rynku systemów bitewnych, książek do wargamingu oraz figurek. W piśmie pojawiają się również artykuły historyczne i munduroznawcze. Pozycja ta powinna obowiązkowo znaleźć się w zbiorach każdego modelarza, entuzjasty gier wojennych, miłośnika militariów czy historii

Spis Treści:

010. D-Day: The Allied Invasion of France
Setting the scene for this month's theme we present a brief guide the the largest amphibious landing in history, and its aim to bring victory to the Allies
016. No Mean Streets
Pete Brown introduces us to some of the innovative ways his local club tackles wargaming in an urban environment
024. Eight Armies in Normandy
It is June, 1944, and the Allies are landing on the Normandy Beaches - directly into the teeth of the German fortifications. The paratroopers have dropped inland and are making their way to the coast, engaging German units as they encounter them. 'Eight Armies in Normandy' is a large-scale Flames of War game played by Battlefront Miniatures staff to celebrate the launch of the newest Normandy books
044. The Fall of The Fourteenth
The "typical" image of a wargame might be a group of friends gathered around a table, beers in hand. Sometimes all you have are the figures, table, and beers. Chris Hahn provides us with a "solo wargamer" take on the loss of a Roman legion
052. Lepkowski's Prison Break
The Brasprats Raid, 16 August 1944; a daring World War II German mission to rescue 130 Fallschirmjager prisoners. All the background and gaming details you need for re-fighting the raid
060. Havana 1762
Author David Greentree gives us the wargaming angle on his new Osprey book - A Far Flung Gamble
072. Great Warriors: Polish Hussars
Our Great Warriors series continues with a look at Polish Winged Hussars
074. The Second Battle of Kosovo 1448
With Steward Hunyadi Janos at the reins in 1448, the mighty Hungarian army attempted to stop the spread of the Ottomans in the Balkan Peninsula. John Bianchi explains how all did not go as he had planned
082. How to Build Wagons
Paul Davies brings us another great modeling article that will help you bring your baggage trains to life. Not only are wagons essential to military campaigns, but they make great targets for all manner of gaming scenarios
086. Old Glory Worlds Show Report
The "Derby' show" (as it is affectionately known) always produces some nice looking games, and 2010 was no exception. Lots of demo game photos for you to enjoy
090. An Army in Sprays
Three hundred English Civil War figures from bare plastic to fully painted in ten evenings! Is it possible? Find out here...
094. Little Men, Big Games
Running a big game at a wargames show or event can be incredibly daunting the first time around. Chris Pramas provides us with a few ideas on how to avoid the classic pitfalls
098. Converting a Late Roman Cavalryman
Model making and figure painting guru Kevin Dallimore has provided us with this great extract from his new book Advanced Modelling and Painting
108. Military History Weekend
When Osprey Publishing, Casemate, and W. Britains joined forces to put on a show in Williamsburg, Virginia, and then invited us along, we just had to take a look