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Waiting for Godot S.Beckett Nowa Najtaniej

03-06-2012, 6:31
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Waiting for Godot


Autor: Samuel Beckett

Wydawnictwo:  Faber&Faber

ilość stron: 96


Waiting for Godot is a play where the characters undergo the same feeling. The characters Vladmir and Estragon wait for some Godot, who never arrives. It is a play with minimal characters and no action, plot or setting. You are left wating for something to happen in the play and it doesn't happen. 

Waiting for Godot belongs to the Theatre of Absurd, a genre that is applied to works of art that have in common the sense that human condition is essentially and ineradicably absurd. It is the representation of meaninglessness of life where we are subjects to the sheer contingency of our world. We are in conatant wait for something which may or may not happen. such plays draw material from philosophical ideologies like Existentialism, Nihilism.

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