Beyond Roman Key Card Blackwood! Easley Blackwood
introduced and developed the Blackwood Convention. Eddie
Kantar then expanded the Blue Team's Roman Blackwood
into the Roman Key Card Blackwood that has dominated
expert circles for the past half century. Variable Key
Card Blackwood may be the next logical step. VKCB allows
partnerships to address many problems that neither
Blackwood nor Roman Key Card Blackwood solves, while
keeping the auction low enough to avoid bad slams. And,
better yet, it is relatively easy to use. Suppose you
have enough power for slam but only the J732 in trumps,
in support of partner's five-card suit. You also know
that partner has only one of the top three honors. If
the honor is the ace, the slam seems good. If it is the
king, the slam is not so good. Using VKCB, partner can
tell you which honor he has. What about holding 8732?
Now you need partner specifically to have the ace and
the jack. VKCB has a solution for that problem as well.
In fact, you might also find out about a particular side
king, all before committing to a slam and without any
cuebidding. VKCB solves your problem without going past
the safety of the five-level. KEN REXFORD (Ohio) is a
Master Point Press author known for his contributions to
bidding theory. His first book, Cuebidding at Bridge,
introduced the bridge world to a modern approach to
Italian cuebidding. His most recent books for Master
Point Press are Modified Italian Canapé System, New
Frontiers for Strong Forcing Openings, Really Unusual
Notrump (R.U.N.T.), and Overcalling Opponent's