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09-06-2012, 9:17
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 90 zł     
Użytkownik ProAstral
numer aukcji: 2285136321
Miejscowość Wrocław
Wyświetleń: 16   
Koniec: 17-05-2012 17:52:01

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Liczba płyt w wydaniu: jedna
Opakowanie: bez folii
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Wytwórnia: OMW (Oxygen Music Works)
Numer Katalogowy: OMWCD 15
Format: CD
Kraj Wydania: Stany Zjednoczone (USA)
Data Wydania: 1999
Gatunki Muzyczne:
Trip-Hop, Chillout, Downtempo Electronica, Acid Jazz
Podobni Wykonawcy:
Blue Tofu, Santessa, Nicola Hitchcock, Karmacoda,
Airlock, Madita, Slowpho, Daughter Darling, Soulstice
Vanessa Daou is an American singer, songwriter, poet, visual artist
and dancer. Most notably a musician, her work is known among electronica,
 nu jazz and trip hop circles for her trademark spoken word and aspirated
singing style as well as its erotic and literary subtexts.
Daou was born and spent her early childhood in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands,
relocating in 1984 to attend boarding school in Massachusetts. As a young adult, she attended
Vassar College for two years and spent several years in New York City’s Hell’s Kitchen area
before earning a scholarship to study dance at Columbia University. There, she would train
 with choreographer Eric Hawkins and explore visual art with Barry Moser and poetry with
Kenneth Koch, whom she cites as having sparked her interest in spoken word. Daou ultimately
graduated cum laude with a visual arts and art history degree from Barnard College/Columbia
 and frequently appeared in her senior year at Postcrypt Coffeehouse, the
university’s on-campus poetry lounge.
While still a student, Daou began her career recording for NuGroove Records, one of New
 York’s seminal underground electronica labels. Demos Daou had recorded with new
husband/producer/musical collaborator Peter Daou caught the attention of two NuGroove
DJs, and they invited her to provide guest vocals on a developing track. The experiment
led to the label’s top-selling single “It Could Not Happen,” which later was released on
Network Records in the United Kingdom. The Daous also performed as “Vandal” at Los
Angeles’ Stranger Than Fiction rave at the Shrine Auditorium in 1990.
01. Passed
02. I Cry For You
03. Deviate
04. Inner Space
05. Thousand Licks, A
06. Word, The
07. Snake Charmer
08. Liquid Fire
09. Unbecoming
10. Trane Tripping
STAN: nowa, bez folii.


koszt wysyłki 1-3 płyt CD - 7zł
koszt wysyłki 4-8 płyt CD - 9zł
koszt wysyłki powyżej 9 płyt CD - 12zł

Wszystkie sprzedawane przeze mnie płyty CD są ORYGINALNE.
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