Rob Vance
Secret Sights
Unknown Celtic Ireland
Dublin 2003
Stron XXI+183, format: 22x28 cm, papier kredowy
146 kolorowych zdjęć.
Książka jest używana: posiada niewielkie dolnej części uszkodzenie okładki
Secret Sights ts a comprehensive illustrated guide to the archaeology, history and mythology that underlies modern Ireland. It is an exploration, in text and photographs, of the largely unknown remote past of this island. It forms the background to a major six-part RTE television scries for broadcast February 2004.
Secret Sights describes the elements that made up ancient Ireland, both in Celtic and earlier times, and attempts to reconstruct custom, ritual and belief from available evidence. It explores ancient battle-sites, lost royal forts, burial mounds of Irish royalty, and pagan and early Christian locations where traces of 'presence' remain. It is written for off-road explorers, those who prefer their own method of interpretation, who seek the scattered ruins of a Celtic Troy rather than the cappuccino and souvenirs of the interpretative centre. A few popular locations - the ones with tourist infrastructure in place - are covered, but Secret Sights goes beyond the obvious, to seek the unfamiliar.
The places featured in the book are often in a primal state of nature, forgotten and overgrown, yet, to Rob Vance, resonant with atmosphere. For, in that condition of nature, he believes they are accessible to our senses and imagination in a way that sometimes allows unmediated experience and personal interpretation. He demonstrates, through pictures and description, that many of these spaces exist in Ireland, metaphorical gaps in time and space where mythology and imagination combine to repair the temporal gap of twenty centuries and the perpetual rasping of the weather.
The book begins with an exploration as to what is understood by 'Celtic Ireland' and, following an introduction to each province, examines chosen sites on a county-by-county basis. Many of these locations remain undisturbed and some have never been excavated. Ritual sites, overgrown royal forts and eerie dolmens all form part of Secret Sights. And some locations, both pagan and early Christian, still retain that indefinable sense of recent habitation by something extra-sensory.
The text is complemented by the author's own stunning photography.
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