Valerie And Her Week Of Wonders

Valerie And Her Week Of Wonders

Dystrybutor: Rockers Publishing
Nośnik: 1 CD

Przesyłka już od 9,90 zł.

Wytwórnia: B - Music

Valerie And Her Week Of Wonders - lista utworów

1. The Magic Yard
2. Talk With Grandmother
3. The Letter
4. The Sermon
5. Losing the Way
6. The Visit
7. The Work Of Death
8. Dinner
9. Dense Smoke
10. Medley: The Contract/The Wedding
11. The Punishment
12. Disquiet
13. Awakening
14. Brother And Sister
15. Sacrifice
16. Medley: The Letter 2/Friends
17. In Flames
18. Puppets
19. Homeless
20. Questions And Answers
21. Confession
22. Forgiveness
23. And the Last