Wysokiej jakości, oryginalny Starterbox amerykańskiej firmy TEAM ORION model Race 2
(Wkrótce pełny opis po polsku) Prametry:
- Napięcie wejściowe: 12-15V,
- Silnik napędowy: klasy 775
- Wymiary: 328x140x99mm
- Waga bez akumulatorów: 1437g
Description: The Race-Line offers high quality team at Orion start boxes for on-and off-road equipment. It can be adapted to the starting box models of all sizes (1/8 & 1/10). The high-torque electric motor rotates 775 HiTorque even BigBlock engines with high compression through without problems!
Delivered in a longitudinal direction, the ignition flywheel, however, rebuilt a few simple steps, if the box is to be used in future with a different model.
For the power supply, two 7.2 V or 7.4 V Team Orion Rocket Pack with T-Connector (Deans) are used. The batteries are housed in a compartment directly in the case of the chute. Thus, the starting box is portable and not dependent on an external power source.
To adjust the starting box to the chassis has the race start box used a variable fixation for the chassis, which can be adjusted on the fly.
To start the engine, the chassis is set to the start box. By pushing down on the rear chassis portion of the starter motor is set in motion and the starter disk accesses on the flywheel of the engine.
As an additional feature has the starting box a master switch that prevents accidental starting of the starter pulley in transit. Two holes on the top of the cabinet are provided for supporting the GlowStarter.
Overall, the Team Orion Race starting box, through its compact dimensions and the internal battery is very handy and easy to handle. Due to the high starting performance and numerous features have the race start box an unbeatable price-performance ratio!
- Solidna i kompaktowa konstrukcja
- Mocny silnik umożliwia odpalania dużych silników typu big-block !
- Wbudowane mocowania akumulatorów
- Nadaje się do każdego typu modelu
- Łatwy w obsłudze
- Rewelacyjna jakość w stosunku do ceny
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