Reverse: "Flying Proa, Latte Stone and Island"
Description: Depicts the outline of the island, a flying proa (a seagoing craft built by the Chamorro people), a latte stone (an architectural element used as the base of homes) and the inscriptions, GUAM and Guahan I Tanó ManChamorro, which means "Guam - Land of the Chamorro."
Sculptor: Jim Licaretz

American Samoa
Reverse: "Ava Bowl, Whisk and Staff"
Description: Depicts the ava bowl ("tanoa"), whisk and staff in the foreground with a coconut tree on the shore in the background and the inscriptions, AMERICAN SAMOA and SAMOA MUAMUA LE ATUA, the motto of American Samoa, which means "Samoa, God is First."
Sculptor: Charles Vickers

U.S. Virgin Islands
Reverse: "Banana Quit, Yellow Cedar and Islands"
Description: Features an outline of the three major islands, the yellow breast or banana quit, its official bird; the yellow cedar or yellow elder, the official flower; and a Tyre Palm Tree with the inscriptions, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS and United in Pride and Hope, the official motto of the territory.
Sculptor: Joseph Menna

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Reverse: "Carolinian Canoe, Latte Stone and Mwar"
Description: Represents the wealth of the islands in its natural resources of land, air and sea. Near the shore stands a large limestone latte, the supporting column of ancient indigenous Chamorro structures. A canoe of the indigenous Carolinians represents the people's seafaring skills across vast distances. Two white fairy tern birds fly in characteristic synchrony overhead. A Carolinian mwar (head lei) composed of plumeria, langilang (Ylang Ylang), angagha (peacock flower) and teibwo (Pacific Basil) borders the bottom of the design near the inscription, NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS.
Sculptor: Phebe Hemphill