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Urbańczyk - Europe around year 1000

07-12-2014, 16:24
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Koniec: 07-12-2014 14:54:06

Dodatkowe informacje:
Region: Europa
Stan: Nowy
Okładka: twarda
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2001
Tematyka: Narody, państwa, miasta
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Autor : red. Przemysław Urbańczyk

Tytuł : Europe around the year 1000

Wydawnictwo : DiG

Seria : nd

Rok wydania : 2001

Wydanie : I

Nakład : 500egz.

ISBN :[zasłonięte]978-8381-211-6

Stron : 488

Format : 170x245mm

Oprawa : twarda


Spis treści :

Przemysław Urbańczyk, Introduction

Christian Lauranson–Rosaz, Le débat sur la „mutation féodale”: état de la question

Jerzy Strzelczyk, The Church and Christianity about the year 1000 (the missionary aspect)

Paul Bibire, The languages of Europe around the year 1000 A.D.

Stanisław Suchodolski, Change of transcontinental contacts as indicated by coins in the Baltic zone around 1000

Tomasz Ważny, Wood and climate of the year 1000 A.D.

Vladimir Ya. Petrukhin, The decline and legacy of Khazaria

Oleksiy Tolochko, Kievan Rus’ around the year 1000

Florin Curta, Transylvania around A.D. 1000

Panagiotis Antonopoulos, Charalambos Dendrinos, The Eastern Roman Empire at the turn of the first millennium

Peter Štih, Der Ostadriatische Raum um das Jahr 1000

Claudio Azzara, Important figures in Italy in the year 1000

Amancio Isla, Warfare and other plagues in the Iberian Peninsula around the year 1000

Simon Keynes, Apocalypse then: England A.D. 1000

Barbara E. Crawford, Alba: the kingdom of Scotland in the year 1000

Dáibhí Ó Cróinín, Ireland c. 1000

Birgitta Linderoth Wallace, Vinland 1000— a European outpost in North America

Orri Vésteinsson, The conversion of the Icelanders

Claus Krag, Norway at the threshold of Western Europe

Else Roesdahl, Denmark — a thousand years ago

Władysław Duczko, A.D. 1000— the point of no return for the kingdom of Sweden

Christian Lübke, The Polabian alternative: paganism between Christian Kingdoms

Herwig Wolfram, New peoples around the year 1000

Andrzej Pleszczyński, Poland as an ally of the Holy Roman Empire

Dušan Tøestik, Bohemia’s Iron Year

Marianne Sághy, The making of the Christian kingdom in Hungary

Ludger Körntgen, The Emperor and his Friends: the Ottonian realm in the year 1000


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