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13-07-2012, 23:09
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 15 zł     
Użytkownik pajarzy
numer aukcji: 2416078199
Miejscowość Rogoźno
Wyświetleń: 14   
Koniec: 12-07-2012 13:41:43

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: twarda z obwolutą
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1985
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TYTUŁ: Ukrainian Folk Tales
AUTOR: Irina Zheleznova /il. Yuli Kryha/
WYDAWNICTWO: Dnipro Publishers Kiev
OPRAWA: Twarda, obwoluta
INFORMACJE DODATKOWE: Zabrudzona i zagnieciona obwoluta, pożółkłe strony, 2 karty zagniecione, zaznaczenia długopisem w spisie treści





Nibbly-Quibbly the Goat

The Magic Mitten

The Little Round Bun

Sister Fox and Brother Wolf

The Little Straw Bull with the Tarred Back

The Cat and the Cock

Sir Cat-o-Puss

The Fox and the Bear

How the Dog Found Himself a Master

The Fox and the Crane

Why the Stork Eats Frogs and the Wolf Hunts Sheep

The Fox and her Children and Nekhailo the Loafer

The Crow and the Snake

Why Geese Bather in Water, Cats Wash on the Top of the Stove, and Chickens Take Dust Baths

The Mice and the Cock

The Lion and the Mosquitoes

The Bear and the Bees

How a Squirrel Helped a Bear

The Ox, the Ram and the Cock

The Wolf Who Wanted To be the Village Head

The Goat and the Ram

Sister Fox

The Wolf and the Kids


The Lion Who Drowned in a Well

The Fox and the Crayfish

The Heron, the Fish and the Crayfish

The Fly that Ploughed a Field

The Swan, the Pike and the Crayfish

The Little Fish and the Big Fat Bean

Danilo-Burmilo the Bear

The Bee and the Pigeon

The Lion Who Was Made Tsar

Little Grey Wolf True-Beaten Black and Blue

Telesik-Little Stick

The Frog Princess

The Magic Egg

The Seven Brothers - Sevens Raven and Their Sister

The Brother, the Sister and the Devil-Dragon

Kirilo the Tanner

Illya of Murom and Solovei the Whistler-Robber

Ivan the Bohatyr

The Magic Pumpkins

The Princess's Ring

Pea-Roll Along

The Pipe and the Whip

The Soldier and the Tsar

Ivan the Peasant's Son

How a Hutzul Taught a Princess to Keep House


Ivan the Dragon Killer

The Fire-Bird and the Wolf

The Shepherd

The Flying Ship

Ivan Not-A-Stitch-On and His Brother

The Youth and the Eagle

Ivanko and Duliana the Wise

Ivanko, Tsar of the Beasts

The Poor Man and His Sons

The Iron Wolf

The Twelve Brothers

The Blacksmith and the Devil

How a Farmwife Outwitted the Devil

The Pipe, the Fiddle and the Dulcimer

The Old Man's Daughter and the Wold Woman's Daughter

The Greedy Old Woman and the Lime Tree

The Foster Father

The Rich Miser

Death and the Soldier

The Tsar's Goats

The Serf and the Devil

Mistress Death and the Cossacks

How a Peasant Got the Better of a Devil

The Clever Maid

The Honest Nephew and the Dishonest Uncle

The Man Who Ransomed an Enemy of the King

Sad Songs and Gay

Ivan the Fool

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