1 Mandriwka v Kosakiwku
2 Tyho padaje snig
3 Wolyky
4 Burkun-zillia
5 Czumak woly zawertaje
6 Elektryczka
7 Iz suboty na nediliu
8 Na wysokij polonyni
9 Zalyszy ce
10 Prostir
11 Radiohead
12 Oy jawore zelenen'kyj
13 Jewrejskyj cłopczyk
2006 UKRmusic
Ukraiński zespół Oczeretianyj Kit u siebie w kraju cieszy się kultowym statusem.
Ta nieco dziwnie brzmiąca nazwa oznacza zwierzę, które żyje w sitowiu i szuwarach i w nich znajduje wszystko, aby przeżyć. Grupa gra w stylu folk-rock. Istnieje już 15 lat i wcale nie zamierza zamieniać cichej i przytulnej Winnicy na gwarną stolicę, dzięki czemu zachowuje swoją tożsamość i oryginalne brzmienie. Grupa z albumu na album zaskakuje różnorodnością stylów - od "podolskiej bossanovy", przez "elektroniczną balladę", aż do "nowoczesnych kołomyjek".
Once, I remember, my friend and I were distressed about that "Ocheretjany Kit" did not manage to issue an album of kolomyikas – and all that was so strange and driving, hey-hey! And then I somehow have not heard anything about "O.K." for a long time. However, they did not disappear anywhere, they continued playing and wandering, I just did not hear them. And now you have under your eyes – one of the best discs of the recent months, and it will bring pleasure to many people of the Earth and suburbs. First of all, probably, to those who are not indifferent to folk-rock elaborations, as chumaks’ songs form the basis of the album. But here, you find not only folk and rock – this music is deeper than my words. It smells the sun, it shines with salt, it smiles in sun burnt wrinkles. It carries as it is and in itself hot way, where cars do not go, but where they walk barefoot, and dust, and feather grass, and wind, and silver water – for it’s sonorous. And everything here, on the disc, is so pertinent and harmonious that it is even hard to believe it, and it becomes very joyful. The song shines itself – and it shines for people. So softly that one does not even notice at once: chumaks could not sing about electric trains and radiohead. And when you notice, there is no discord – as all that is alive and loves what’s alive. You love as well.
Publisher: UKRmusic
Catalogue number: UM-CD 038
Year: 2006