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Turning Points:
Changing Your Career from Science to Patent
Law |
DETAILS: Author: Dustin
Holloway Ph.D. Language: English Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing
Platform Publication Date: 5 May 2012 Dimensions: 0.7 x 12.5 x 20 cm Format: Paperback Pages: 126 Condition: NEW Product_ID: 1466BAA995
Are you a scientist or engineer looking to make a
career change? This book will help you understand what
it's like to work in patent law and how you can make the
transition. Breaking into the legal profession can be
difficult. This is especially true for scientists
looking for alternative careers. In this book, Dr.
Holloway describes what it's like to work in patent law,
explains what skills are required to be successful, and
provides step-by-step instructions on how scientists and
engineers can launch new careers in intellectual
property law. Based on real life experience, this book
exposes the inside world of patent law careers by
providing: - a description of patent law - accounts of
typical work days in patent practice - ideas on how to
approach future employers - example job interview
questions - ideas on how to make your job search
successful - hints on how to craft resumes and cover
letters - descriptions of what makes a successful patent
professional - descriptions of other alternative careers
including venture capital, science management,
technology transfer, and scientific policy.
wysyłamy w ciągu 5-7 dni roboczych.