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TSJUDER Demonic Possession CD Marduk DARKTHRONE

29-02-2012, 12:06
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numer aukcji: 2077060992
Miejscowość Selfmadegod
Wyświetleń: 12   
Koniec: 31-01-2012 09:35:36

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Stan: Nowy
Liczba płyt w wydaniu: jedna
Opakowanie: w folii
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TSJUDER - Demonic Possession CD

TSJUDER - Demonic Possession CD


Demonic Possession

Drakkar Prod.



Black Metal

Druga duża płyta norweskiej grupy z Oslo założonej w 1993 roku.

Jeśli lubisz stare płyty DARKTHRONE na przyspieszonych obrotach oraz wczesny MARDUK i MAYHEM to TSJUDER przypadie ci do gustu.

Metal Archives:
After a first disapointing album Kill For Satan, which featured a thin production and a drum machine (or what sounded like one) Demonic Possession could be considered Tsjuder's first real full length. This is a heavy brutal affair, and though it has an atmosphere of coldness and evil, Tsjuder focus more on brutality and aggression here.
The production is clear and bass heavy, the guitars have a thickness to them and the bass is audible underneath adding depth. The drums are thunderous though not over powering, and are played decently with skill. The vocals are a reverberated howl, the vocalist sounds hate filled and passionate.
So production is great, what about songwriting? Well Tsjuder write good songs on here that suffer a bit from being samey and only at times slow down from hyperspeed. The riffs tend to either be thrashy chordal oriented or a bit on the death metal side. Indeed the opening riff on the album could almost be on a death metal album. This unites with the uniform heavy production to create a dense brutal effect that lacks in atmosphere but gains in heavy headbanging attitude.
Overall a quality release, but asides from their demos and Desert Northern Hell, I've never been the biggest fan of Tsjuder mainly because the music is almost too unrelenting, a problem I have with 1349 and such bands as well. They're great for a bit or when you're drunk, but after a while they give you headache. Aside that point I would say that in the style that they perform, Tsjuder have crafted a very solid recording and is enjoyable given the proper mood.

1. Eriphion Epistates
2. Demoner av Satanas Rike
3. Ancient Hate
4. Bloodshedding Horror
5. Deathwish
6. A Twisted Mind
7. I-10
8. Primeval Fear
9. Outro

  • TSJUDER - Demonic Possession CD
  • TSJUDER Demonic Possession CD Marduk DARKTHRONE