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TRUSS Eats, Shoots and Leaves

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Eats, Shoots and Leaves

TRUSS Eats, Shoots and Leaves



Author: Lynne Truss
Language: English
Publisher: Fourth Estate
Published: 1 Oct 2009
Dimensions: 19.4 x 12.6 x 1.6 cm
Format: Paperback
Condition: NEW



'If Lynne Truss were Roman Catholic I'd nominate her for sainthood.' Frank McCourt The international bestseller, reissued and with a new introduction. A witty, entertaining, impassioned guide to perfect punctuation, for everyone who cares about precise writing. When social histories come to be written of the first decade of the 21st century, people will note a turning point in 2003 when declining standards of punctuation were reversed. Linguists will record Lynne Truss as the saviour of the semi-colon and the avenging angel of the apostrophe. 'This book will stimulate and satisfy. It's worth its weight in gold.' Boyd Tonkin, Independent 'A witty, elegant and passionate book that should be on every writer's shelf.' Observer 'Lynne Truss deserves to be piled high with honours.' John Humphrys 'It can only be a matter of time before the new government seizes the chance to appoint her as minister for punctuation. The manifesto is already written.' Guardian 'She's a soul sister. She's one of us.' Richard Madeley




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