Reedycja jednej z najlepszych płyt Troum, jest to materiał zarejestrowany na żywo, ale bez udziału publiczności dla holenderskiego radia. Falujące gitarowe drone'y na skraju jawy i snu - wszystko za co uwielbiamy Troum. Limit 500 kopii w tekturowym opakowaniu. Info producenta: "Troum (an archaic translation of "dream" from the duo's native German) mines the nether regions of the subconscious to create waking replications of the nightly visions. Their recordings are far from mere transcriptions of dreams to tape; they are the gossamer residues of once vivid memories, passed through mesmeric filters to slowly dissolve present reality into soft focus fragments of thought. Musically, these translations fall both on the sublime and, at times, on the malevolent side of the ambient fence. Sen - Troum's contribution to Staalplaat's luminary Mort Aux Vaches series - is fixated on the North Sea where sheets of black ice creak under the tidal currents that roll onto a rocky beach. Troum sees no need to utter any direct references, implying their metaphors begind a bleak drone haze of guitars, bells, voice, and keyboards treated with a heavy dose of synthetic cathedral reverb. Sen reveals Troum's post-industrial background with a churning drum machine which rumbles underneath the complex tonal patterns like an antiquated seaside factory. Troum, more so than their precedent incarnation Maeror Tri, has the potential to invoke awe through their hypnogogic expanses of droning sound. Rarely have they failed to push beyond their potential, and Sen is no exception."