Looking for a travel guide that dares to be honest?
Unlike the cruise booklet that most Tour Operators send
out with your booking, our Cruise Guide book tells you
how it really is. Given from an experienced perspective
that does not shy away from confronting the issues, it
provides a valuable insight into what you can expect
from a Nile Cruise by letting you know the scams, as
well as the pleasures awaiting you on your Egyptian
vacation. Our Travel Egypt book offer straight answers,
with sound advice and is illustrated throughout with
over 100 black and white photographs. It contains,
amongst other things: PRACTICAL ADVICE: Such as how to
deal with hassle, unwanted attention, intimidation and
illness. Plus, extra costs involved that you are rarely
told about, local scams, bartering tips, things to
avoid, etc. GENERAL INFORMATION: Such as, medical
advice, visa requirements, facts and figures, prices,
boat facilities and layout, money matters, cruise
schedules, safety issues, etc. SUGGESTIONS: Such as,
suitable clothing, useful Arabic phrases, local customs,
local dishes and drinks etc. RECOMMENDATIONS: Such as
ancient sites, reviews, entertainment, extra excursions,
useful links, free downloads etc. The book tells you how
it is, without over romanticising the experience, and
contains information you would be hard pressed to find
in one place. A must read for anyone planning, or
thinking of taking an Egyptian Nile Cruise. |