" Transformation " ( Autor: Carol Berg )
- Autor: Carol Berg
- Book One of the Rai-Kirah series
- Seyonne is a man waiting to die. He has been a slave for sixteen years and has lost everything of meaning to him: his dignity, the people and homeland he loves, and the Warden's power that enables him to step into a human soul and do battle with demons. But Prince Aleksander, heir to the Derzhi empire, has been possessed by the very demons that Seyonne once fought - demons now allied with the savage Khelid nation. Seyonne must recover his power and cast down the Demon Lords before they destroy both the Prince and his empire.
- oprawa miękka, format 175x110mm, stron: 506
- Wydawnictwo: OrbitBooks, ISBN-13: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]14904
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