Opis przedmiotu:
Klasyczny |
Rozmiar: ~
44cm X 67cm |
Matriał: Haftowana Tkanina |
Marka : |
Pochodzenie:Chiny |
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* Co to
jest "Su Xiu"?
Chinese embroidery has a long history since Neolithic
age. Because of the quality of silk fiber, most Chinese fine
embroideries are made in silk. Some ancient vestiges of silk production
have been found in various Neolithic sites dating back 5,000-6,000
years in China.
Su Xiu (苏绣)
— Suzhou embroidery is crafted in areas around Suzhou,
Jiangsu Province, having a history dating back 2,000 years. It is
famous for its beautiful patterns, elegant colors, variety of stitches,
and consummate craftsmanship. Its stitching is meticulously skillful,
coloration subtle and refined. Suzhou artists are able to use more than
40 needlework and a 1,000 different types of threads to make
embroidery, typically with nature and environment themes such as
flowers, birds, animals and even gardens on a piece of cloth.
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