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Towers at the Edge of a World średniowiecze

19-02-2014, 15:58
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 23 zł     
Użytkownik musaion
numer aukcji: 3903523729
Miejscowość Wierzbica
Wyświetleń: 2   
Koniec: 19-02-2014 15:26:45

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: twarda z obwolutą
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1980
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha

Virgil Burnett

Towers at the Edge of a World

New York 1980

Stron 208, format: 16x24 cm

24  autorskie ilustracje

Książka w bardzo dobrym stanie, plamka na środku obwoluty, lekko podniszczona obwoluta na grzbiecie.

"The splendor falls on castle walls And snowy summits old in story."
—Tennyson ,

The centuries have encrusted the hill town of Montarnis with layers of buttress and bastion; its tangle of spires and tow-, ers speak of another world, an .ancient .and distant order. Seasons and battles have steadily eroded them, worn away the colors with which they once were decorated, threatened to reduce the lime­stone walls themselves to chalk. Yet Montarnis has withstood dragons and plagues, invasions and sorcery, and Virgil Burnett has brought its'history to life with dazzling skill.
Bound together by rich eroticism, mys-' ticism, and wij, here are the strange and wonderful portraits of some of those who peopled the town through the centuries: Hugues, lord of the hunt, who dies a pilgrim in Jerusalem; Djaa, the Amazon from the Orient, who conquers the men , of the valley; Gerardus, copying the scrip­tures as his feMow monks succumb to the Black Death; the mad king, perhaps * Charles VI, imprisoned in his tower; and other tales of savage beasts, questing his­torians, and lustful ladies.
"The splendor falls on castle walls And snowy summits old in story."
—Tennyson ,

The centuries have encrusted the hill town of Montarnis with layers of buttress and bastion; its tangle of spires and tow-, ers speak of another world, an .ancient .and distant order. Seasons and battles have steadily eroded them, worn away the colors with which they once were decorated, threatened to reduce the lime­stone walls themselves to chalk. Yet Montarnis has withstood dragons and plagues, invasions and sorcery, and Virgil Burnett has brought its'history to life with dazzling skill.
Bound together by rich eroticism, mys-' ticism, and wij, here are the strange and wonderful portraits of some of those who peopled the town through the centuries: Hugues, lord of the hunt, who dies a pilgrim in Jerusalem; Djaa, the Amazon from the Orient, who conquers the men , of the valley; Gerardus, copying the scrip­tures as his feMow monks succumb to the Black Death; the mad king, perhaps * Charles VI, imprisoned in his tower; and other tales of savage beasts, questing his­torians, and lustful ladies.

Introduction: Montarnis 1
1. gundegar  7
2. Hugues  13
3. Aleth  25
4. Gerardus  29
5. Constance  47
6. King Folly  67
7. Queen Death  79
8. Isabeau  83
9. DjAA  89
10. Xavier  121
11. Violette  129
12. Fausta  141
13.  Rhys  167
14.  Julie  177
15.  Malliardus  191


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