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29-05-2012, 20:09
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numer aukcji: 2347122042
Miejscowość WARSZAWA - Marki
Wyświetleń: 6   
Koniec: 13-06-2012 20:06:16

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Opakowanie: w folii
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Tytuł oryginalny: Wagner: Rienzi
Tytuł polski:
Rok produkcji: 2010
Kraj: Germany
Reżyseria: Philipp Stolzl, Johannes Grebert
Obsada: Torsten Kerl, Camilla Nylund, Ante Jerkunica, Kate Aldrich, Krzysztof Szumanski, Lenus Carlson, Clemens Bieber, Stephen Bronk, Gernot Frischling, Statisterie der Deutschen

Grand tragic opera in 5 acts by Richard Wagner;Libretto by Richard Wagner after the homonymous novel by Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton;Version in two parts by Philipp Stölzl and Christian Baier;live from the Deutsche Oper Berlin, 2010

Richard Wagners early opera Rienzi is stylistically closer to Meyerbeer and bel canto than to Wagners later masterworks. Yet even this early work especially as presented in this recording is so fantastically beautiful that it takes ones breath away (Berliner Zeitung). And in this staging by Philipp Stölzl, who condensed the five-act opera into a little over two hours, Rienzi becomes a startlingly powerful and timeless parable of power and abuse. Though the story of the rise and fall of a charismatic leader and his totalitarian regime takes place in 14th-century Rome, Stölzl sets it somewhere in the recent past. The topic anticipates the history of the 20th century in a visionary way, says Stölzl, adding that one can make surprising analogies to many despots of this time: Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Ceausescu Since film was a central propaganda tool of 20th-century totalitarian systems, Stölzl uses film projections to make the tribune Rienzi tower above the masses or, in the style of old newsreels, to show a utopian New Rome. It is, after all, with films that Stölzl began his career: directing video clips for Rammstein and Madonna, then directing feature films (North Face, Goethe!) and staging operas at major venues, including the Salzburg Festival. Tenor Torsten Kerl, who has visibly studied the gestures of the 20th centurys major dictators, gives a brilliant and eloquent Rienzi, his dutiful sister Irene, sung by Camilla Nylund with great lyrical intensity, is paired with a lover, Adriano, interpreted by the luminous mezzo Kate Aldrich, the discovery of the evening (Süddeutsche Zeitung). Also worthy of lead-role status is the chorus, which masters its demanding part with stunning presence and accuracy. The orchestra of the Deutsche Oper Berlin is led with exuberance and precision by young conductor Sebastian Lang-Lessing.

Obraz: 1.78
Czas trwania: 182 min
Dźwięk: German PCM 2-Channel Stereo, German DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1
Napisy: brak polskich, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish
Polska wersja językowa: brak
Dodatki: Making Of, 32 page Booklet
Region: Region B/2 (Polska, Europa)
Ilość dysków: 1
# CAT: 121[zasłonięte]4192 # TRAITPL1: # TRAITPL2: #

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