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TORCHWOOD [SEZONY 1-3] 12 Blu-ray

23-03-2012, 11:10
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Miejscowość WARSZAWA - Marki
Wyświetleń: 3   
Koniec: 13-04-2012 01:24:36

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TORCHWOOD [SEZONY 1-3] 12 Blu-ray

TORCHWOOD [SEZONY 1-3] 12 Blu-ray
Tytuł oryginalny: Torchwood
Tytuł polski:
Rok produkcji: 2006 - 2009
Reżyseria: Alice Troughton, James Strong, Andy Goddard, Ashley Way, Colin Teague, Brian Kelly
Obsada: John Barrowman, Eve Myles, Burn Gorman, Naoko Mori, Gareth David-Lloyd, Kai Owen, Freema Ageyman, James Marsters, Richard Briers, Alan Hale

Every episode from the first three seasons of the Doctor Who spin-off series set in Cardiff. Captain Jack is in charge of Torchwood - a disparate crew of investigators, each an expert in his chosen field, searching desperately for alien debris that has fallen to earth. They're beyond the rule of law - hired by the UK government and in a race to find the technology before the UN does, so that they might use it to fight crime here on earth. Includes series one, two and Children Of Earth! Season 1 episodes: Everything Changes Day One Ghost Machine Cyberwoman Small Worlds Countrycide Greeks Bearing Gifts They Keep Killing Susie Random Shoes Out Of Time Combat Captain Jack Harkness End Of Days Season 2 episodes: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Sleeper To the Last Man Meat Adam Reset Dead Man Walking A Day in the Death Something Borrowed From Out of the Rain Adrift Fragments Exit Wounds Season 3 episodes: Children of Earth - Day One Children of Earth - Day Two Children of Earth - Day Three Children of Earth - Day Four Children of Earth - Day Five

Czas trwania: 26 h 35 min (approx)
Dźwięk: English
Napisy: brak polskich
Polska wersja językowa: brak polskiej wersji
Dodatki: brak danych
Region: B (Europa, Polska)
Ilość dysków: 14
ITEMID: 1905 # UNID: BBCBD0061 # EXTCODE: 505[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]10006 # CAT: 121[zasłonięte]4105 # TRAITPL1: # TRAITPL2: #

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product_id: 1905; product_code: BBCBD0061; product_code_producer: ; product_sizecode: 505[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]10006;
Aukcja stworzona 2<span class=hidden_cl>[zasłonięte]</span>012-03 01:24:35 przez sklep oparty na systemie IAI-Shop.