Tom Slemen
Książka w języku angielskim
Stan ogólny: dobry
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This book is about ghosts – whatever they are. Every culture has believed in ghosts at one time or another: Buddha trained himself to overcome fear by sitting in a haunted cemetry. Spooky tales are not just a contemporary phenomenon – there are several ghosts mentioned in the Old Testament. In the course of a person's lifetime, the chances of encountering a ghost are suprisingly high. Many of the stories within this book originated from the numerous letters and telephone calls Tom Slemen received at Radio Merseyside, where he presented a regular slot on the Billy Butler Show. The tremendous response from listeners is confirmation of a widespread fascination with the paranormal. Take a spine-chilling journey along Liverpool's streets and meet Spring-Heeled Jack, that Harrington Street visions, Bernie with the broken neck, the Grey Lady of Grove Street and many other spooky characters and ghostly encounters!(
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