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TOASTERS D.L.T.B.G.Y.D. LP nówka/folia!!

20-01-2012, 19:08
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TOASTERS "D.L.T.B.G.Y.D. - Don't Let The Bastards Grind You Down" LP

The Toasters - amerykańska grupa muzyczna należąca do trzeciej fali ska (3 wave ska) założona 1981 roku w Nowym Jorku przez Roberta Hingleya. Jest jednym z najstarszych i najdłużej grających zespołów ska w Stanach Zjednoczonych.

I jeszcze kilka recenzji znalezionych w necie dotyczących tego albumu:

"I concur with Brian from Boise. Actually most of the comments below I agree with. I wouldn't say it's the best ska album, I own, but still very very good.
The title track is my all time favorite Toasters song, just makes you want to skank in the car! Out of all my Toasters albums, this is probably the one most played by my wife! (ha!) If you get a chance, check out the video for DLTBGYD, flipping hilarious!
this is the best ska LP i own. there is tons of different influence on it, from blues to reggae to punk, almost every song has different influence. the toasters are one of the greatest ska bands of all time, and this is a great record by them.
It's a classic third-wave record, and you heard 'em! OUT OF PRINT! Get it while you can! If you like ska, there's no excuse to not own this album. In fact, you're less of a person for it!
this album is simpley fucking amazing. ska legends doing it how it should fucking be done.. alot of new ska is pretty good but this is wer eit started and it will never get old

great ska cd ive listend to it about 5 times since i got it yesterday definetly worth the money and more if your a ska fan buy it if not byr and youll probly like it anyway
If you are a skanking rude boy like myself (or rude girl) you NEED this LP every song will get you on your feet to that two tone beat and its just absoultley mind boggeling. Youll be blown away BUY THIS NOW
This is quite possibly one of the best albums to come out of the third wave. Almost every song is a winner. The Toasters show how ska should be done and mix it up with so many different styles. You have traditional ska, some rock and roll skaish numbers, some poppy ska songs, even some funk/motown ska songs. Definitely recommended. I would also pick it up because i'm pretty sure this is out of print due to the whole Moon Ska collapse."



Don't let the bastards grind you down
Free in my soul
I'm running right through the world
Underground town
Gimme some lovin'
Devil and A .45
Daddy cry
Today's a good day
Jackie Chan
Rude, rude baby
Everything you said has been a lie
Spooky graveyard
Big red

Bye, bye baby
Weekend in L.A.
Rhythm and pain


Płyta jest nowa, nie odtwarzana, nie słuchana, nie widziała gramofonu - zafoliowana!. Polecam!
Płyta jest oczywiście nowa, w oryginalnej folii. Mogę wysłać za pobraniem, wtedy koszt wysyłki wynosi 13 zł. A przy wcześniejszej wpłacie na konto wysyłka kosztuje 7 zł. 

Zapraszam na inne moje aukcje - wspólna wysyłka zawsze kosztuje mniej!

TOASTERS D.L.T.B.G.Y.D. LP nówka/folia!!

Dodano 2[zasłonięte]009-12 17:42