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Titles and Forms of Address: A Guide to Their Corr

13-03-2015, 19:01
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Koniec: 13-03-2015 18:43:54

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1985
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Titles and Forms of Address:

A Guide to Their Correct Use

A&C Black London 1985

Stron /pages 212

Stan dobry używany, na pierwszej stronie angielska pieczątka właścicielska (firma), środek czysty, zdjęcie wystawionego egz.

Opis z okładki

If you wish to create the right impression and to avoid social gaffes (or even discourtesyj it is essential to be aware of the correct forms of address in speech and in correspondence (whether official or social), the correct order of the various degrees of honours and decorations, the meanings of the abbreviations used to denote honours, decorations, appointments and qualifications, and the pronunciation of less-known surnames. Titles and Forms of Address is a guide that has been in constant demand for over sixty years and that has been revised for each new edition.